Monday, April 7, 2008


God dammit I hate keyboarding. Well, at least this stupid skill builder thing we have to do. I typed all these sentence's perfectly and within the time limit: Tammy's polo pony is pure breed her paper's say. They give you 1 minute and you have to type that as many times as you can. I typed mine about 6 without type-os and now for the third time it a row it wants me to type it again.

I'm quitting microtype for now...

What the hell kind of a sentence is that anyways?

We have to do until Lesson T, I'm on M.


My keyboarding teacher is starting to become a bit of a bitch too...

This morning the dumbass assistance principal said that only 5 people can sit at the MT just because there was too much: "debris's" on the floor. What kind of idiot calls trash debris's????


And most of the trash was Amontis or however you spell that' kids name too. I don't like him much, so I don't care.

At least bad mitten was fun today. Rayy's my partner =) we're gonna kick butt! =0

I hope we're in the library for study hall today...

Yesterday Erin told me that she was so mad because Ryan told her that her writing sucks. So what did she do? She mad a Sim Ryan and killed him!

Very amusing.

So I put that small bit of convo in my buddy profile just because I find it funny.

We also created club IHPN, I Heart Porn Novels, just to annoy ryan. =P

I wonder if Peaches and him ever read my blog. I don't care really it's just a thought. They can read and post any comment they want, mean, kind,whatever.

A lot of my friends have given up on their blogs, only Rayy and Dev have kept to theirs and I'm hoping i can keep to mine!

I need to change my mood widget when I get home since this mother fucking school blocking thing won't let me...

I hate school today.

1 comment:

rachel said...

i was the most dedicated to my blog. =p.

i'm amazed tat i was even able to keep it up =]
