Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Good Day

So, it was a good day in school today! Lets give it to you by subject:

World History

All we did was finish taking our notes today. I had only one page left to do, so I got to do whatever I want for about a half hour. Mr. Cash also made Anthony S. and Adam Burk do 10 push-ups. Why? Why else, they're morons. (At least that's what he says).

Mr. Cash seemed to be in a good mood today too. I dunno why people hate him. Well I do, since he 'picks on' people a lot, but he's a good teacher and a pretty nice guy when you get to know him. I don't know him well, but the people that do he's very nice to. Also that's just the though guy in him.

>Mrs. Cormell

We played badmitten today! Like I said before Rayy was my partner! Sure, we lost, but I had fun anyways. I like playing this game, I'm pretty good at it. Rayy has a good backhand shot, something I don't got, and she's not as hopless as she thinks at the game. Actually, I think she's pretty dang good!

>Mrs. May

Here is where my day really got better. So I came into class dreading that we all had to participate in this debate thing. When I got into the classroom all the desk were set up in a square. This meant that she was really getting down on you for points.

Anyways here's how it worked. The debate was on human cloning and research. We were split into groups at random:

Pro- Scientists, Terminally Ill and Citizens Pro
Con- Politicians, Religious people, Citizens Con

I was in the Politicians group, my cousin Ashley Keeny was the leader. We all went around and read a speech that our leaders had to read and then the debate began. Towards the middle I knew I needed to talk or I'd get an F on this so I waited to pounce. Then there was the perfect moment.

Citizens Pro: Cloning is good for women that can't reproduce.
Me: There are other options than cloning, there's things like adoption.
Citizens Pro: *stays silent*


Scientists: Well when you adopt, the would not look like the parents and they wouldn't like that.

Big mistake.

Me: Well, aren't you supposed to love a child, and not a child a person in general, for WHO they are not what they LOOK like?
Scientists: *stays silent*
Teacher: Good point *looks at me like: O.O whoa YOU talk?*
Scientists: *go to speak*
Me: And, wouldn't you think that the people adopting would know this? It isn't their birth child after all. Also, there is infertilization. You child is still yours, but it's just born from a different mother. They'll look similar, act similar and inferto is way cheaper than cloning.
Scientists: *shuts up*

Pwned by the silent girl.

>Mrs. Arbour

I cuaght up in class today! Good for me, now I can slack off and then try and catch up again! Woo hoo! (Wamu) =P

Lunch was good, I didn't get sick.

Studay Halls were good, I fell asleep for the first one but then read my book for the second half. It's called: I'd Tell You I'd Love You But Then I'd Have To Kill You. It's a pretty good book so far. JJ got it for me when I was sick and I've always wanted it but never really bothered to pick it up.

> Mrs. Fales

Good News: We were in the computer lab today. Bad News: We got new seats and I sit right next to Richy Miller.


I asked the teacher if I could move, but she said that she was going to kick him out of the class soon anyways. I guess I can wait. As long as I don't sit next to him in class.

> Strauch

We watched more of The Miracle Worker. No work! Yay!

End of the day:

it was warm so I went up in the Guest Room to take a nap. I like it in there because one: it's clean unlike my room. Two: you can't hear the TV from in there. Three: When you open the window you get a nice breeze and you can hear everything going on outside. I like that. I like that a lot.

Dinner was Tacos so I had chicken noodle soup. There was another brother lecture. Apparently JJ is seeing a counselor now and he's got a detention. He's also re-taking that test to see if he has and learning problems and to see if he needs to be with the tards.


Talent show is Friday then a whole weekend with Devvy!


rachel said...

yay ash! just a quick comment here. you think i'm semi good at badmitton? hmm.

nice job on the debate, when i did that at jnslc, we sould of deffiently used you on our gorup. i think we were for cloning, asn my team wasn't all that good. and mostly becasue conner and i were on the same team o we kept pulling each other's hair. [sorry off topic]

stuudayyy hall.

ah sleep so wonderous.

poor jj, give him a hug from me? also i think next time i come over, maybe i can help witht he debate to have you change bedrooms with the guest room? haha



Alphie said...

I wish I could have the Guest Room, I've been arguing that for a while...but they always say no...evil...