Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Ice Cream!

So school was normal today. We started summer sporting in PE and I question why they had bowling because in our school that is a winter sport...

Went on a 3 mile walk today with my dad and the dog. Also wrote more of chappie 3! Did I ever send you guys chappie 2? Also, the spacing in my book is going to be different. Turns out, as Rayy showed me, that the way I was doing it was wrong, but it's all better now! Also, she's been so kind as to edit the spacing on my 1st book so lets give her a hand!

Speaking of Rayy, I wanted to go to the range today and hit golf balls (when I said to my dad: "Hey can I go to the range and hit today?" he looked at me and it was almost like I touched his heart or something since, he always used to force me to go. I thought that was nice, made my day and I'm sure it made his.) Anyways, so I get in all my golf gear- a polo, tan caprices, and golf shoes (new ones!)- and get all my golf gear- golf bag, golf balls (new!) golf glove (also new!) and other golf stuff- I get in the car and we drive to the range and the street is blocked 0ff with a fire engine and a ambulance. Weird. So we decided to go to Mr. T's Ice Cream. On the way we surprised Rayy and picked her up to get ice cream with us!

We then saw a really tall man waving in the back of these businesses, it was like a plastic thing, my dad didn't even reach his knee! I took a pic on my phone, I'll have to show it to you later! Then gave her the tour of my dad's office. Fun fun!

Now I'm here. I'm gonna get my laptop upstairs and type chappie 3!

Oh and did you see youtube's icon for earth day?! It's awesome!

1 comment:

rachel said...

i'm actually glad that i got to go to ice cream with you guys [thanks very much for that by the way] '

it's funny how we imagine big people with orange. let's quiz people that color most people think of first. =]

odd;y enough i had some green tea and i still fell asleep.

listening to eminem =p

yeah, that's all. um, go youtube!!!

