Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Did anyone get that text saying "Come to lunch 4a for a food fight, send 2 everybody"?

I seriously don't have time to wash my hair after school tomorrow.

If there is one, heads will roll.


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Little Time

Doug died today.

I only spent about 10 minutes with him every 3 days for about 2-3 months, but I feel like I lost someone really close to me.

I'm weird like that I guess.

Forgive me if I'm being rude or mean or childish or whatever the word is but just kinda leave me alone tomorrow. I need time to stable myself. I can't even do my homework at this point, the only reason I'm blogging right now is to ask that you try not to bring it up and badger me about it, I don't need to break down in the middle of school is all.

That's it.



Sunday, April 26, 2009 blog text test....

Saturday, April 25, 2009

It's Hardly Spring

And I already have sunburn all on my shoulders, upper back, and neck.

Hellz yeah to yard work.

Dad and I went to Eddies Bike shop today and bought me riding gloves. The doctor said they'd help when I start weight lifting again and with golf.

Went home and I worked on my VV project for all of 4 minutes before it was burger time!

Cyrus came over after that and him, Dad, and myself went on an 8 mile bike trip. We took the Enchanted Forest path, which wasn't really all that enchanting since the leaves weren't on the trees...but oh well.

Dad rode his bike really fast so Cyrus and I lagged behind and talked. =p

After that he helped me with my VV project. The map is pretty much finished except for one or two places because we couldn't really figure out what to put.

Dad got me the best thing today.

It's a small plastic piggy.

But that's not all.

There's a button on it's head, and when you press it the nose lights up and in oinks!!

I love it so much! ^-^

I probably shouldn't be blogging and resting my hands but they felt great today. Might as well seize the moment, right?


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A Little Epiphany

Have I ever mentioned that 'epiphany' is one of my favorite words?

I digress.

So I'm taking history notes right now and I've been thinking about the Cold War and such and I had a little epiphany.

So, during the cold war, the Communist countries were in East Europe while the anti-communist countries were in West Europe.

Now, think of sunrises and sunsets.

Now, combine the Cold War and the separation of Europe by different government systems with the sunrises and sunsets.

Communism was somewhat of a new idea, in the sense that it was being exposed to other countries and quickly growing due to it.

So, Communism was like a new beginning in a way (to some).

Like a sunrise is a new beginning to a new day.

Sunrises also happen in the EAST.

Then, at the end of the Cold War, the anti-communist countries were the victors.

So, sunset, end of the day...which happens in the WEST.

Yeah, my mind strays way too much while taking notes...or doing anything really.

That's me I guess. =p

Maybe I'll write a poem on this...I can already feel my juices flowin'...


Notes first though...


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I Have This Weird Feeling

That things are going to start getting violent.

I hope it's my overactive imagination that's helping me lead to this conclusion.


Google Follow

I hate this stupid Google Follower thing.

I can't follow the blogs I want!

It says I'm only following 2 people...stupid thing.

Rayy I needs your blogging help. =/


Life Is All About Taking Risks

And since a lot of people don't like to take unnecessary ones, I'll do it and risk my hand. Hey, it's in a brace, it'll be fine for awhile.

Spring break was eventful until yesterday. Then it got very boring.

Yesterday mom and I watched The Others together. I liked it, very good twist at the end.

It also got my interest in the paranormal up and running again. Although, I think it's more of my depressing interest in death though. I sense and see some type of beauty in it.

I saw this thing on Antiques Road Show the other day and this woman brought in her collection of English Memorial Jewelery. It really interested me. I found the link on Google, but am disappointed that there aren't any close up shots on the jewelery like there were on TV. =/

I tried to find it on youtube but no luck. =/

I like to consider myself as a happy emo. =p

Worked a tad on my VV project yesterday, looked for pictures and put them on the map. Will probably work on that a bit more today.

Really wish I could take the car and drive around for a bit today. It's raining, cold, and my mom is too sick to get out of bed so it's not like she'd noticed, and not to sound all high and mighty but I think I'm a good enough driver to not be pulled over except for the fact that I look young and shouldn't be driving on my own.


Maybe I'll drive up to Network Video and rent another movie.


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Monday, April 6, 2009

6 Facts

So I was tagged for a 6 facts thing...cursed Jackie...I will get back at her...

But I digress, let's get on with this shall we?

6 facts that no one knows about me....


I hate kittens, hamsters, puppies, gerbils, bunnies, penguins, lemurs, chipmunks, squirrels, koala bears, panda bears, polar bears, monkeys, horsies, cows, lambs, little turtles....


Pink is really my favorite color. Ever. I wish everything in my life was pink. EVERYTHING.


Spinach is my favorite food.


I am really a guy.


Facts 1, 2, and 3 were lies.




Fact 4 was also a lie.

Now I must tag 6 more people...

I'll tag:

Ryan (facts can go on GT)
Amazing Phil

Hey, she never said anything about no tag backs. =p




Thursday, April 2, 2009

Dear Blog

I miss you so very much. =(

Passed my written drivers test! Only missed 2 questions! =D

Went and watch Cyrus and his team play in the point break tournament!

They were the Science Olympiad Liquidators (SOL). =p

Cyrus is going to come over tomorrow to look at my laptop.

I just remembered I need to e-mail my Google map to Mr, J! o.o =x
