Saturday, April 12, 2008

Da da da daaaa!

So the rest of the day at school the following happened:

~ erin, max, zack, and I nearly got kicked out of the library because everytime we go there we always talk. It's not like we were talking loud or anything...and we're not in APR either...we should be allowed to talk...assholes...

~ I figured out how to do the math problems on the comuter program we have

Then the talent show. Rayy came over Dev's and then we picked both of them up and went to our school. Everyone was pretty good. Hammy sang the National Anthum, she was very good. Bryan got lot's of laughs with his ventrilaquist act. Then this girl at the end, she was an amazing singer!

oh: convo i just had with peaches:

Peachy: i dont think he even realizes im pissed.
Me: i got it!
Peachy: what?!
Me: text him: ryan, i'm pissed >=(
Me: =D
Peachy: lol
Peachy: he can figure it out on his own. he's a big boy.
Me: XD
Peachy: not. like. that.
Me: wait, what do you mean not like that? what were YOU thinking?
Me:cuz I was like, imagining a 15 year old ryan in diapers sucking his thumb


Rayy found a vid of our school blood drive this year. I told peaches but she said her German teacher had told them about it. Oh well.

I went to bed around 11 last night and around 2 I found the THING. Then ya know. This morning I looked at my wrist and there is like this tiny little scar there. I like to look at it. Why? I dunno, but that's really all I wanted, so I should stop now.

I'm going over to Dev's today and leaving the THING behind so that will help.

Plz kidz, don't tell the big grown-ups about the THING. I'll tell them on my own.

Well that's about it for now!

1 comment:

Erin said...