Tuesday, March 27, 2012

High Hopes

I never have high hopes for anything and try not to get really excited about things that may happy in the future. The reason being because if I do, and those things don't happen or meet expectations, I fall from those high hopes, crash, and burn.

Even if it was something that other people would think is silly or small.

Though right now even I can't understand why I'm so upset. I'm kind of acting like a child.

I mean sure, I've looked forward to doing something like it for years. And there are rational reasons why it's not happening. And it's not like I'll never get the chance to do it again.

I dunno.

Maybe it was just bad timing.

High hopes crashing mixed with my erupting volcano of emotions (a.k.a. Ashley's every so monthly 'cry time').

We also ran out of milk so I couldn't eat my cereal.


Some good things happened today.

-I started class scheduling (though things weren't so smooth in that department either)
-Work was okay
-I get to dog sit for the woman I also baby sit for(getting paid nicely) AND I got her the most awesomest birthday present (can't wait to see the look on her face. It's a gift certificate for a 1hr massage along with a basket of yummy smelling soaps and lotions)
-Dance Moms was on (next weeks episode looks like it's gonna be freakin crazy)
-I got to hug Mikey today

I guess they balance out.


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

=/ Humph

I've always been pretty content with life.

But now.

Just being content is starting not to be enough anymore.

All I'm doing is living.

I don't have any real purpose right now.

A lot of people have told me that's what it feels for a lot of kids my age.

I hope so.