Monday, March 29, 2010

Hair Pulling

I asked my Dad a question on health care today.

While I was asking it I didn't notice my Mom was walking behind me.

They started fighting and now Mom's being cranky/crying and Dad won't stop being an ass.

Reason numero uno why I hate politics and reason numero dos why I'd rather be a whore than get stuck in a shitty relationship.

Morals suck.

I can't wait until this summer where all I need to worry about is working, golf and weed.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

No Homo

I told my Grammy I was bisexual and she just kinda laughed at me.

I thought I could tell her everything ya know?


Mom just completely denies it, and Dad would kick me out of the house if he found out. JJ knows but I dunno if he really believes be or not either.

Blah. Blah. Blah.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Freshman Year Blogging?

I'm blogging almost like I was freshman year in the sense that most of my posts are somewhat depressing and I'm blogging during my computer class (this year web design last year keyboarding).

Except now I can't play my Mario Game like 2 years ago because they blocked it! >=O

Stupid school.

At least I'm not cutting myself like last year right?! Haha. Haha.



Busy, busy week this week. So much to doooo.

Dad has been gone since Monday morning cuz he's in FL. He's been having a good time, every day I've called him so far he's "had a few beers". I'm quite lucky he's a pretty happy drunk.

He's actually pretty fucking hilarious. I wish he drank more often...

Also, I found the mouse in the trap my Dad set up before he left! It was cute too D=

I scared Andy with it. =D

Testa's forum is on the health care bill.

You'd think I'd have my own opinion on it or at least know the two different sides because my Mom likes it and my Dad doesn't, but I've just been walking out of the room every time they argue now and every time they rant to me.

I really, really don't care for politics (even though I probably should) it just makes me fall asleep.

Well, I think I'll work on one of my research papers now- since I have a computer and all.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Web Design

The rare class where I get to do something I love to do, and the technology I have isn't working.

Like today: I go to use my flash drive (which I've been using since the class ever first took place) decides it needs to be formatted.

Which is just another fancy way of saying 'everything you ever loved on this little key chain needs to be deleted'.

Well, our project was to make a power point on a place we'd like to go to or are going to for Spring Brake. My ppt. was 12+ slides and all I needed to do was hyperlink the buttons so the ppt. became more like a web site.

And now I can't get into it to finish it.

Or anything else on the flash drive for that matter.

AND when I go to format it on the school's computer it says I don't have sufficient access.

Fuck this school.

I have to stay her until 5 too for an ACT testing class.


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Free Sammich

I went to Chick-fil-A today and got a free sammich cuz I'm was wearing green.

Everybody loved my St. Patricks Day hat (except bitchy Ms.Pitts).

So far in my life friendships are shaky, a death is still in silent/hidden morning, my golf swing is fucking beastly and I have a wonderful boyfriend. =)

Going back to said 'fucking beastly' golf swing, I think while hitting golf balls with Miss. Gina B. yesterday I got the makings of a sinus infection.

I felt like I was hit by a truck. XP

Oh, did I mention I made yearbook staff? =D

Screw spring, I can't wait for summer.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Dear Teachers

Don't assign me BUSY WORK.

I have better shit to do then to waste my time on an assignment you gave me to make yourself feel more like a teacher.