Sunday, May 31, 2009

What's Shakin Bacon?

Haven't blogged in a while...I feel bad.


Thursday was pretty eventful.

Found out that I scored Accelerated or Advanced on all my OGT's.

Finally met my in-cars instructor.

He's not a grumpy Canadian. I punch-buggied him as well. It was very LOL worthy. I scored 3's on everything too. =D

Cyrus graduated!!

Friday went over to Peaches and had a girls night. =)

Today I helped mulch at my Grandparents place. Then went and saw the movie Up with Ed, Tom and Kelsy at 4:10. Her mom then dropped me off at Wendy's and I got food then walked back to the theater where I bought my Terminator Salvation ticket and a soda and proceeded to sit in the theater and make a bet with Gerber that I'd be him there.

I won my dollar. =p

Then after it was safley in my wallet I told Devlyn, Jess H., Jess B, and Billy the story. =D

Both movies were excellent by the way! I highly advise you go see them.


JJ is sleeping over at my Uncle Scott's house. Have no clue what I'll be doing tomorrow. Probably be seeing Cyrus. =)


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Just Like A Bumbly Bee

I'm getting very busy!

Today all I've really done since I got home was homework.

Scheduled for my in cars, did my math, then read the sparknotes for The Sun Also Rises and took the quiz for that. Then I scanned my physics book for a bit in attempts to study for the test tomorrow.

Now I'm halfway done with 18.4 and trying to get 18.1-18.3 on my other flashdrive.

Tomorrow I'll be picking up an application for Fun 'N Stuff since Dad told me that work is waaaaay too slow for me and they really don't even need 5 guys now.

It's scary. =/

Then Wednesday I'll be hitting golf balls and at night I'll have to look over my history notes, study for my vocab. quiz in English, and be ready for the speaking exam in Spanish.

Thursday right after school is my first in cars. Then I'll have to rush to eat and get ready so Mom and I can go to Cy's graduation.

Friday more hitting of the golf balls and then I hope I'm free.

Then to study for exams and on the 9th golf league begins. 12-14 graduation parties and then 15th in cars and 19th golf league.

Then maybe a job will be in the mix later on as well.

I'll also be using the Rosetta Stone during the summer I'm borrowing from Cy and practicing making videos and learning to write with my left hand so I can become ambidextrous.

And then the rest of those little summer goals.

It shall be interesting!


Monday, May 25, 2009

This Makes Me Laugh So Hard

I cry.

The Pope has a facebook.


That made my day.


I Wanna Go Outside!

The reason why many kids are fat and stupid is because they're sitting inside with homework in front of them and looking out the window not doing it because they want to be outside.

Got dammit it's so sunny and warm.


Happy Burday!

Happy Burday Rayy!!!



Sunday, May 24, 2009

Dear Skin

Dammit you will tan.

Not burn.



Finally finished section 2 of notes...these things take too damn long...2 hours a section at least


Now I must catch up on my English book.

While lounging on the deck.

In my swimmy suit.


Catch ya on the flip side yo.


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Physics Day!

It was fun =)

Didn't carry anything accept a pencil, calculator, my celly and Melvin.

Sat on the floor in the lunch room while waiting for the Auditorium doors to open. Cyrus came over and I asked if he could baby sit Melvin for me for the day and then take him home.

I appreciated it, but I slightly regret it, because I was very board on the bus ride. At least he wouldn't have been stolen...

For those who forget Melvin is my IPod.


First ride we went on was the Wicked Twister, for my first adrenalin rush in a while it felt pretty good. =)

Went on the Matterhorn next, since it was required on the packet. It sucked. Very boring and short. =/

Spent waaaay too much time doing our packets... Ryan, Halle and I had our info done but everyone else didn't...

After snacking on some fries and toasting in the sun Halle and I went on the Mantis. I think it was my favorite ride there. =)

I wished we could have gone on more rides...but we wasted too much time on packets...


As Andy was trying to get to the Maverick I saw a Chick-fil-A, which I'd been having a huge craving for since last Monday, so I was in heaven. =p

Tried to win a giant stuffed gorilla. It was bigger than me! I swear!

I didn't win it though... =(

Got to the buses around 5:05ish.

45 minutes later we finally left thanks to a group of three girls that decided it was okay to dawdle and lose track of time...

Bus ride home was better than on the way back though. Did silly stuff to ease the boredom.

Have to get an EMG tomorrow, kinda scared, my Mommy is taking me so she'll be there which is good at least.

Legs ache, time for bed.

How cool would it be to live in an amusement park (and not have to pay for anything)?



Sunday, May 17, 2009

Prom 2009

Uncle Tot still hasn't sent me those pictures, I need to harass him some more...


Cyrus and my Grammy

JJ, Cyrus, and Dad

Me at the top of the balcony

Cyrus and myself

Me attempting to put on Cy's boutnier

Cy and I in front of the fireplace guys did want to see the back of the dress =p

Grandma and Grandpa Costello, Cyrus, and myself

Dad, Mom, Cyrus, and myself

JJ and myself.


That's all I have for now! =D


Saturday, May 16, 2009

This Post...

Is going to be hellishly long.

So I wasn't at school Friday, woke up at 6:30, and Dad drove me to the docs. Apparently this guy is supposed to be the best, at least that's why my Dad's orthopedic surgeon said. He was completely booked most of the time too, so I guess it could be true.

Anyhow, so we get to the docs, and my Dad is filling out the papers, which of course he needs help on. It had some pretty weird questions on it too. For example...

What did you child first:

Talk ___

Sit ___

Roll Over ___

It was like Christ, what do they am I, a dog?

And then we got down to the women only questions and my day refused to say the words menstrual cycle or period.

It was fucking hilarious. =p

"What did you start having your....mahavaha....?"

And then he would start lookin around all embarrassed like.


Once the paper work was through we finally get into see the doc, Dr. Anderson. He makes me do a bunch of things with my arms, asks me where I feel the pain, where I got a shot, so on and so forth, and then the final desicion came:

I don't have carpal tunnel.

I have something else.

Well shit.

Where I'm feeling pain aside from my wrist and the bottom area of my lower arm, I'm feeling it also at the top area of my lower arm, in my elbow and in my pinky, ring, and middle finger. And to the degree my fingers have gone numb, they've curled up at least 3 times.

Which isn't carpal tunnel.

He tried to do a bit of debumnking, and in the end, decided I needed an EMG, which stands for Enter text here.Electromyography.

What they do is they put special suction cup things on your arm, and with a machine, shoot electric current through the nerves in your arm. The machine records how long it takes for the signal in the nerve to travel to the brain where it can register the pain. If it's slower, there is something wrong.

They also sick a very fine needle in your hand...and you know how I love needles...

Capital Y to the u-c-k.

Got home from the docs, and then drove Dad down to the canal so he could go on a bike ride and then drove home...alone.

It was so awesome.

I got to drive alone back to pick him up as well!

Took a 3 hour nap before waking up and rushing to get ready before my Uncle, Grammy, Grandma and Grandpa Costello, and Cyrus and his parent's came.

We took ton's of pictures, which I've just decided to put in another post, titled Prom 2009.

After pics we left and drove to Cleveland. The Renaissance was absolutely beautiful! Saw Mr. J and his wife, along with Mr. King, Mr. Mayer and a bunch of all teachers all snazzied up.


Also saw Rebeca and Gina from golf and their boyfriends.

It was nice.

We sat with Tom, Mike, both of their girlfriends, and Jeff.

I had chicken for dinner, but hardly ate any. The sinus sickness I had been trying to fight off since Thursday just wasn't backing off.


Had a lot of fun, dance a bit. Poor Ben Chaffee was really said because his girlfriend kept telling him to dance with us. =(

Left the dance, and went to Fun N' Stuff.

We had fun and stuff.

Aren't I funny?


Got home at 4 AM, took a quick shower and fell right to sleep with the TY Pluffies monkey Cyrus got me. His name is Dangles. =)

Woke up around 10ish and decided to go back to sleep and then woke up at 1:47.

Mom says she's going to take me to the docs maybe Monday, I might be having my anual sinus infection. ><

After a complication with Cyrus in a 2 hour phone conversation he drove over so we could talk and settle some things.

Went to Giant Eagle and got Jeff a burday cake, we had the guy write "Grandmaster Jeff" on it. I also picked him out a nice Spiderman card. It had COOL STICKERS in it. At least that's what the card claimed.

It was for 8 year olds, but I mean, Jeff was turning 18, we were just missin a 1. =p

Also got him a little balloon. =p

Went to Handles and bought him ice cream, and then dropped him off.

Cy dropped me off, and then Mommy and I went to get pizza.

Ate my pizza while watching the movie Holes with Jj like I promised him.

He missed me so much. =(

Now I must read Andy's blog and then upload pictures!

My Uncle Tot sill needs to send me the rest of them.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I Said This Yesterday But I'm Repetitive So...I Said This Yesterday But I'm Repetitive So...

When ever I see FAQ's in lower case...I always read it as fags....

Do any of you guys do that?

I'm completely serious.


Monday, May 11, 2009

What Do Cows Like To Listen To?


And that's what I gots!

More songs added to the playlist!

Some might have already been on their but the link was bad, and some are just completely removed because there was no link anymore.

Really should be working on history notes right now...

Instead I'm working on my plan to finish them during school tomorrow. =D

Boo yah.


Sunday, May 10, 2009

I Feel All Warm and Fuzzly

So this Mommy's Day turned out better than I thought it would.

I got to drive everywhere for one thing. =p

Mom and I picked up Grammy and then we went to the Mandarin House. I didn't really eat anything, but I gave Mom the card from all you guys and she started to cry. She says thanks to all of you!

We then went to Burlington Coat Factory and I got a few pairs of jeans and short and Mommy and Grammy got some shirt and jewelry.

I was having a craving for french fries so I quickly stopped at McDonalds and got some since it was on the way home to Grammy's.

We ate ice cream with chocolate fudge and had many more unhealthy chocolaty candies because we're women and we rock like that (as my Grammy put it =p).

While driving home with Mommy I decided that she had to see Robin Williams Live On Broadway so I stopped at Marcs.

While sitting at the light on Boyden to turn onto 82 Ryan's mom drove past us. =)

When I parked I decided to give Mommy the poem I wrote for her. It was about how over the years of me growing up and seeing how sick and in pain she is everyday, and even though I cry, I still think she is a great mother and has never let me down and how proud I am of her.

I gave it to her while I went in to get the movie so I could leave her to it and because I couldn't stand just sitting there while she started to cry.

I got the DVD and when I came back to the car she was crying, but at least it was happy tears.

Passed Mike as he was working at Marcs while leaving the parking lot. =)

Watched the DVD and laughed so hard we were exhausted. Then I remembered that I had an essay in History to do and after freaking out a bit then remembered that it was due Tuesday. =p

Now Mommy and I are sitting in bed eating chocolate and watching the season final of Apprentice.


I will go to bed...soon....ish...



Hope everyone had a happy Mothers Day!


Friday, May 8, 2009

Pretty, Random Pictures

I took these pictures Wednesday and Thursday and I felt like sharing them with you! =)

JJ and I were wrestling for the camera and this picture was snapped. =p

Then in the bright sun I couldn't resist taking these pics of Hammy! =D

(Although he fell asleep on the table after a while! ^^)

And then the flower! =)

That's about it. =)


Thursday, May 7, 2009


Is defiantly going to be one of those bitter sweet Mother's Days.


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Ya Know...

Sometimes I very glad I'm not so blinded my religion that I can make smart decisions; unlike my father.

He does really make me see how fucked up our government and people are every time I get into some type of debate though.

However I do support my father with some of his beliefs, such as the fact that some type of law should be made requiring you to say the pledge of allegiance and stand and put your hand over your heart.

You live in America, standing up, putting your hand over your heart and saying our pledge is a way of showing deep respect and pride for your country. It's not like it's hard, or painful or rocket science (at least I can't find it to be any of those things).

It really sickens me on every Monday and Friday that some of the students rush to finish their homework, sleep, or just sit there staring into space when we say the pledge on the announcements.

Now, it is clear that part of the fact is that they lack a considerable amount of maturity, but I think it's also because they really don't care and that's really sad.

If you live in this country you should take pride in that and respect it. If you don't, then get out. We don't need you. Why the hell are you even here anyways?


Cleaning Youtube

If there's one thing that I wish Youtube/Google would do is get rid of the people (mostly children 14 and under) who either:

A. Get accounts to just bash videos

B. Get accounts just to spam

C. Make weird random comments ranging from "I want to rape you", "I just fucked your mom", or "Too bad I didn't cum"

D. Post up the chain comments demanding that you copy and paste them to 10 million other videos in the next 10 seconds or some demon alien clown will come into your room at night and slit your throat

E. rite comnts lkei dis

F. rite comnts lkei dis wile tryin 2 inult ppl.

G. Try to use Youtube/Google as a type of myspace or face book

H. Who beg for you to subscribe to them and when you don't try to send you hate mail telling you to kill yourself

I'm subscribed to a lot of people in the Youtube community, and I love watching the videos the website and users have to offer, but I'm tired of the lower class part of the community, and I'm sure others are too.

Let's stop trying to remove copyrighted videos and focus more on removing it's abusing, childish users instead, eh?

Monday, May 4, 2009

Polls, Polls, Polls!

Was watching the news and decided to put some polls up to get your guys opinions on some things.

1st Poll: Swine Flu

Pigs are now flying as the swine flu is popping up into different countries around the world. Some schools are being shut down for weeks at a time to clean while others are simply posting up signs to wash your hands. Is the news just making a big fuss for the sake of a story and the panic needless, or, do we really have something to be afraid of?

2nd Poll: Marijuana

The fight of that good ole' Marry Jane has been going on for decades. Do you think it's time for a change, or should the drug be kept as far away as possible?

3rd Poll: Gay Marriage

Recently Mrs. California made a comment on how she supports marriage between a man and a woman, which has caused an uproar with the gay rights activists. What do you think about this?

If you do vote I'd appreciate it if you would maybe make a post on your own blog about why you chose what you did and link the post to the comments section. If you don't have a blog just write it in the comment section. =)



Douglas R. Wasson
DOUGLAS R. WASSON, age 54, of Cleveland. Beloved husband of Katarina "Kathy" (nee Arsenijevic); devoted father of Ryan and Daniel Wasson; dearest son of Dick and Jackie Wasson (nee Schroepfer);brother of Tom (Dottie), Jean Mitchell (Pat) and Billy (deceased); son-in-law of Rade (deceased) and Gisela Arsenijevic; cherished uncle of Kristin, Kara, Kevin, Emily, Kate and Kamryn. Doug was a dedicated employee of UPS for 31 years. Passed away on Tuesday, April 28, 2009. Memorials may be forwarded to the American Cancer Society, 10501 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH 44106. Funeral Mass at 11:00 a.m. Tuesday, May 5, 2009 at Church of the Holy Angels, 18205 Chillicothe Rd., Bainbridge Township, where friends may call FROM 10:30 A.M. UNTIL THE TIME OF THE MASS. Cremation by Busch Crematory. Friends may call at the BUSCH FUNERAL HOME, 7501 RIDGE RD., PARMA, FROM 2-4 AND 7-9 P.M. MONDAY.

Dad and I went to see Doug today and say our good-byes. Thank goodness he was cremated, I don't think I would have been able to hold myself together for very long if I just saw him lying there.

Met his wife and his one son Daniel. Dad did all of the talking though.

I kind of laughed though. There was a candle next to his urn and it reminded me of a part in this movie trailer where this guy is going "When my grandfather died there was this one candle next to his bed and it started flickering and we all thought that was him going to heaven. =)" and then the other guy goes "Dude you don't pass fire to get to heaven...I think he went to hell."


It lifted up my spirits a tad.

Cyrus let me take his hoodie home as well so I'm snuggling in it.

I love snuggling in hoodies. =)

Rayy wasn't at school today, she's been sick since last week. Poor thing. =/

Feel better Rayy!! *huggles*


Friday, May 1, 2009

Iz Ovah

The VV final project is finally over!


It was fun though. =)

Been very busy, haven't had a lot of time to read blogs or anything like that. My hand is feeling good now too so yep yep. =)

I'm so behind on youtube videos.


Every time I watch all the vlogs it makes me really wish I had my camera...Mom said to wait until graduation since the prices would be low then (video camera= good present, ya dig?).

It was lowered down to $350 last month, I'm really excited to see how far prices dropped now.


It's gonna be red too. =)

My Uncle Gary got a Nano Chromatic, he feels like a "21st century man". =p

The rain is nice right now, really cooled everything down. =)

JJ said that one of his teachers knew Doug and that his funeral is sometime on Tuesday I believe. I'm going to check the papers and get my Dad to ask Larry who works back in our warehouse, he's the one getting all the info on Doug.

Saw, like, 3 UPS trucks today.

FedEx sucks...


