Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Nice Nice Nice!

So today Devvy and I dressed up nice! Why? Once again, because we can! (by the way dev once again i loved the shirt you wore today)! I was surprised though, all last night I was preparing for everyone to ask: "Why are you dressed up all nice?!" and actually everyone commented on what i was wearing. I'm not complaining though, I'm just saying.

Zak and I are going out now, yay! During 5A study hall we all planned to go on a double date with Max and Erin to see the movie Iron man on Friday. Dad still doesn't know about him...i dunno when we're going to tell him...at least mom is cool about all this. I <3 my mommy!


I caught the football today in PE and got a point and I threw a nice spiral to a girl on our team too. Thanks dad for playing football catch with me in the backyard...although that was summer of last year, but oh well.

Next week we all should get together or something. Dev suggested baseball in the park somewhere. I'm fine with the idea cept one thing...I STINK and baseball now...i haven't picked up a bat since...well like a year a ago, and don't get me started on my mitt....I guess it's more to have fun than to have skill but still...I'm kinda a competitive person (daddy genes) and I like to be good at a sport I play (daddy genes) and win at it and win it well (more daddy genes). But i dunno, we'll see if the Costello Beach is still existent and if it's warm enough we could go swimming! And yes it's a creek, but so what, take a shower when you get home...

Speaking of genes, I think I get Pennant Squares! YEEES! My grades right now are all A's cept in Math...I have an F...heh heh....I'LL GET IT UP! I just need to turn in homework...but at least my computer lab grade is good, so that'll help.

Umm...Rayy I'm gonna half steal your thing but post up my fav. commercials, that okay?

Captain Morgan: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2_kogLjT60&feature=PlayList&p=0746A988091801C8&index=6

Got a little captain in you?


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