Monday, April 7, 2008

Rest of the Day

Well I guess the rest of my day went alright.

Lunch was okay but I almost puked cuz i was sick from eating breakfast this morning...blah... In math towards the last 15 minutes of class I couldn't keep my eye's opened I got so tired for some reason. In English we started watching the Miracle Worker, which I've already seen.

Today during study hall Zack told me he was gonna break up with Ariel. And I must say I was thinking exactly what Dev was, not compatible. Anyways, he asked me what he should say to her, and I felt important! ^-^ tee hee

Ariel keeps calling my celly now, but I hate talking on the phone. Besides I know what it's gonna be about anyways.

Ryan went home sick today so Erin was excited. I didn't care really, I hope he gets better. The last thing he needs right now is to be sick.

Star Wars was on today! Revenge of the Sith! That one is my favorite since the graphics are cool and Skywalker is something to look least...until he gets burnt to a crisp...

Hope keyboarding is a better day tomorrow.

Bio we're starting on our debate...I'm not good at those...ugh...

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