Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Fools....I Guess

So yeah I'm still a little sick but that's okay, it didn't really get in the way of school. We played this really fun game today in PE called Pinball. As soon as the teacher said: "Alright we're all going to play Pinball!" Rayy, Edward, and I all looked at each other basically thinking: Are they seriously gonna let us run into people? Cool....

Well turns out that's not how the game is played- big surprise there. Basically one team gets one half of the court and the other team the other half and each team places 10 pins anywhere on their side. Then there is like 10-15 balls lined up in the middle of the gym and when the whistle blows, you charge and throw the ball's at the pins to knock them down. This time though- unlike PointBreak (an un-fun game...)- if you get hit you're not out! Which rocked my world because I think it's more fun- and easier- to block something by jumping in front of a ball. Call me crazy. No seriously, you can, even I call myself crazy.

Lunch was fine, math we were in the computer lab and my day was good. My dad even left me to funny messages on my phone. Also I even came home alone because my mom needed to pick up JJ from this math tutor class at school.

Then they got home.

10 seconds it was quiet then as soon as my mom told JJ to start his homework...the yelling started.

For about 2 years now, JJ has barley been passing school. Last year it was just him slacking on homework...but now...he's like not doing ANYTHING. He doesn't even turn in tests even though they're done.

When my mom found out JJ didn't turn in his big research project that was due before spring break she flipped. Trying to get the project done was hell enough at my house. He forgot the folder, the school was locked, we didn't have all the papers, he didn't do half the stuff, lot's of typing errors, didn't have the rubric.... Luckily with my help I got the rubric off the school's web site- thank you JJ's teacher for posting it up there...it's not like my teachers do anything like that, except my Bio teacher...

Well Sunday night I heard my mom tell JJ every five minutes "Turn in the folder, turn in your project." Yesterday morning: "Turn in the folder, turn in your project." When he got home that day my mom asked: "Did you turn it in?" He looked at her, said yes, then went on the computer. Well my mom goes in to help out JJ's classroom and some other teachers and my mom was all to his teacher: "Thank you for letting JJ turn in his folder yesterday!" and the teacher went: "What folder?"

I can obviously tell my parents are tired of this shit, while I was trying to to my homework I could hear my mom yelling at him, not only for that, but for his grades, his classwork, everything that's been happening since the beginning of 5th grade. My dad even said he'd throw him out of the house and have him go live in a home if he didn't get his act together...

That hurt me more than him.

Since I'm mad at him for being such an idiot, and agree partially with my parents. Then again, I didn't do so hot in Lee Eaton either- did a lot better than JJ- and it was hard so I understand him a bit. But I don't understand why he's acting like this! I mean, he's smart, and a good kid, there's no reason at all for him to be doing this! Is it like a guy thing or something? A phase? Cool even?

The only reason I haven't broken down crying is because that would make my cold worse...and make me feel worse for school as in I wouldn't have done my homework like I did tonight, wouldn't have even attempted to get it done, wouldn't really give a damn about my makeup quiz tomorrow and wouldn't do shit in math to get my C+ back to a B again. Or actually really wouldn't do shit in any class. Sure, I'd act all happy in the morning- which I really am somewhere in side. I dunno but being surrounded by my friends just....just makes me feel happy, relaxed, smart, belonged, even if I'm fighting with them, or ticked off at them... Anyways, I'd either be half happy, or I'd lie and say I'm tired.

Yeah, I stay up late and might be tired when I get up but when I get on the bus I'm up and alert so about...95.5% of the time I say I'm tired...I'm not...I must confess this, I don't need you guys thinking I have some sleeping problem and worrying about me...


Well I guess I should go to bed now, and try and sleep because I am tried because of my sinuses keeping me up last night. My throat is starting to bug me a lot now too and like my tonsils feel swelled...I better not have strep again or anything throat related...that'd just make my whole week roll down hill...At least my mom say's she'll take my to McDonalds tomorrow. Believe it or not I get excited over little things like that.


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