Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Yo So Muy Cansada

So tired today. Bloggie is just gonna be quick.

PE was fun, we played Pinball. Wicked awesome game.

Art I got bored so I filled out a pass to my locker and then went to Devlyn's PE class instead and played a game of Pinball there.

In total of today's games, I knocked down 5 pins. =)

Yearbooks finally came in. They spelled Devlyn's name wrong....even though it was clearly written on the freaking paper she tuned into them.


Golf practice was okay. Played the Par 3 and Brandywine, the weather wasn't rainy at least. Tomorrow it's supposed to be.

I dunno even if I really wanna play tomorrow...Maybe it's just because I'm tired right now.

Or my game is completely screwed till next year...

Either or.

Started reading my Syllabus for Vally Voyages, and I'm gonna follow the blog too and add it to the blogger list.

I can barley understand it though...too tired for much brain function. All I could understand was that it looks fun. =)

Haven't been to Stan Hywet since....girl scouts. I believe my mom knew the people that lived there. Is that cool or what?

Well I'm gonna go to bed. I'll have the 4 day weekend to get my stuff together for VV.


Monday, September 29, 2008


So I was in a real good mood today. Like the whooooole day, it's amazing. =p

So started out today with an assembly in the auditorium. The video thing this year was about Fears. Now I must say, it had awesome music, but the rest of it was just depressing. I mean, the one with the girl that died in a car crash, or that guy in the band who's dad and brother committed suicide. And then it showed the people holding the box signs that said shit like "I cut myself" so Gerber was texting me like crazy going: Don't do that again, you know not to right?!


Physics class after that was wicked awesome. We made these straw things ya see, and the teach was calling them this weird name and I told him they should be called Strawmonica's. He was like "That's brilliant!" and I pointed to myself and said "Genius right here people!"

Andy was there, ask him for proof that a teacher said I was brilliant!

That'll probably be the only time. =p

Anyways, after that the teacher made this thing out of the straw that he called a duck caller and when you blew into it, it made a high pitched noise. I annoyed Jayne with it the whole time. I swear that girl needs to take a chill pill and get an attitude adjustment...

Geometry class Mr. Lawrence's voice got all high and squeaky again. =p

PE I gave Carols a hug! Oh, and I asked him if he was going to leave because he was an exchange student and if he did I would be said but he said "No, I stay in Amer-ee-ka"



Annoyed more people with my duck called thing. Then I asked Mike to ask Gerber if he had a crush on anyone and if he said yes, if it was me.

Maybe he's just a real good friend, ya know? With a little Ariel inside of him.


Lunch was cool. Talked to Peaches and Devvy Chan a lot. I came up with the fact that we should make a gang and when we're in ally ways use the duck caller thing! XD

I swear we should so do that.

Spanish was...a heart attack. I THOUGHT I had turned my IPod volume all the way down, but there is a difference between I THOUGHT and I DID. My IPod came on, full volume during the class. The people around me were like, dancing to the music. I was like "holy crap stop it you idiots!!" o.o

And we all know what Smith would have done, taken Melvin away! I can't live without him. Seriously.

So most of class I was preying for her to let us practice our words with our partners because it's really loud then. Well, she didn't. She did say "Quit everyone while we listen to this. IT SHOULD BE ABSOLUTELY SILENT!"

I thought I was dead.

Then she turned her back to write something on the chalkboard and I snatched my bag up and opened it and when I did of course the sound wasn't muffled it got LOUDER. I pulled the earphones out and then threw it on the floor and put my head down. My face was all red and I was trying to hold back laughter (along with the people around me) and to keep my heart from pounding out of my chest. Smith gave me a funny look but said nothing.

For now on I'm unhooking my headphones from Melvin before I go to school...

History class was....holy crap.

First of all, I'd like to state that Sarah Mayor is definitely the dullest tool in the shed....in a shed of tools that are already dull to begin with. She's that thick headed.

We were talking about the elections and Sarah asked my Johansson who he was voting for and he said he was voting absentee.

You guys know what that is right?

Please tell me you have some idea.

Anyways, omg...I still can't believe how stupid she is...Sarah asked "Who's absentee? I didn't know a dude named that was running."


I laughed, I cried, I slammed my head on my desk.

Cameron asked if she was living in a house with lead paint. Which in turn, she didn't know what that meant either.

"No, the paint of my house isn't pencil."


I'm just gonna go outside and scream really really loud for a second.


She also was like "I have cramps! Oh they're really bad. Cramps suck! I got cramps!"

I told her that she doesn't need to inform the whole class when she's hormonal.

I wonder if she even knows what the word inform means...

Art was fun. Me and Tyler talked about Dane Cook. Tired to visit Devvy Chan but they were actually doing something.

English was boring. Devvy Chan raced in again. I swear she looked so white I thought she was sick. I TOLD her that she'd be excused if she came from PE but she said the teacher wouldn't send out an e-mail and stuff. So when I told Mrs. Newcomer I was leaving early for golf I told her to tell Devvy Chan that it's okay for her to be late.

It always looks like she's gonna faint when she rushes. I mean, I get paranoid about being late too, but if I know I won't be in trouble I don't rush and take my time and make sure I'm all together.

Left early out of English, walked the halls, got dressed and got my clubs for golf before we left for Glen Eagles. We didn't write out scores down, so I tried to remember mine, if I was right a shot a 48. =D

Came home, had Wendy's, explained to Peaches about how to get a blogger background template. Talked to Cyrus. And now I'm gonna try and get over Sarah's stupidity (because I really didn't know anyone could be so thick...it's actually quite unfathomable) and study for the test I need to take early tomorrow.

Woo Hoo!

One more thing: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Absentee_ballot

If you had an idea of what it is, at least you didn't think it was a FREAKING PERSON. omg...


Sunday, September 28, 2008

Looking Back

Been reading some old blog posties. Some are funny, some are sad and so on.

Out of the one's a read this was my favorite comment:

your body's telling you to no got back to school, obviously. only you have to. because i went back yesterday at nine in the freaking morning, and i lost my shirt. ....not the one i was wearing.



Today was pretty uneventful, unless you count on what was happening in the book i was reading and that I found this template. I just love to stare at it. =p

Also sunk out of the house and took the dog for a walk today. Mom was still asleep when I came back. Whoo hoo.

Only 2 days of school for me this week! Golf on Wednesday.

*sarcastic cheer*

Well, post tomorrow I guess.



Hellz to the yeah.


Yesterday I hung out on the computer for the most part. Went upstairs and read more of Breaking Dawn and then Ariel called. I didn't recognized her number....damn. Talked to her long enough that she won't call me again for awhile. Apparently she was home alone and was bored. I wish she had a boyfriend to bug....


I forgot to mention some things about PE yesterday!

In my PE class, Carlos ran from his side of the basket ball court, ran behind Zak (who was the pin guard) and kicked down the pin, and when Zak was all "That the fudge?!" Carlos kicked him in the shin and ran off.

He's my hero.

During Devvy Chan's PE class, I basically skipped art and hung in there for awhile before going back and working a bit more on my painting.

Had pizza last night. We went to this new place called Rocky's, it wasn't that good.

Got a new enV (same one just new) with a software upgrade for free. This guy named Bob helped me, he was nice. ^-^

Now my phone is all cool, but I have to re-download all the ring tones if I want to. So far I've only downloaded three. *shrugs*

Went on a website that taught me a lot about script writing. I'm so eager to start! I downloaded a script writing software too from Google. Getting an idea for a script too. So excited!


Talked with this girl that liked my lyrics video's on youtube. Her name is Leah, she's 14 (gonna turn 15 on the 1st) and I swear she is so like me. Like she said, it's almost like we met before or something. =p

Which reminds me, apparently there's a freshie that looks exactly like me in our school (or some people say). I propose a hunt to find this person!

Ooooh, watched one of our old movies called The Borrowers. I love that movie. Anyone ever heard of it?!

Well, off to do random computer stuff!

Maybeh hunt for a new blog template?


Saturday, September 27, 2008


(See Rayy's Blog For Question)

There used to be a guy named Jimmy that went to Nordonia. I dunno if he dropped out or was expelled but he made some bad choices and started getting involved with drugs. Then he got shot in a drug bust down in Cleveland recently.

So either someone who knew him that went to our school or was from outside of school decided to pay their respects.


Friday, September 26, 2008

On A Down Slope On The Road Of Life

Isn't that like, kinda deep in a way? Like a teen wouldn't say that. =p

Here's what's up:

-School isn't going to hot
-I had an A in Geometry until a big test and then it got brought down to a C
-I have 3 C's now...
-Golf isn't going to good either
-My swing is messed up
-I'm not going to be able to play again until next year
-Some people know my horrible score that I hardly even know
-I dunno what I wanna do when I grow up
-Everyone is talking about colleges
-I have no clue where I want to go to college
-My future is pretty much blank
-Worries about my mom
-Can't find my 'Troy' still (although that's to be expected)

Think that's it...

But everything gets worse before it gets better right?

Tried to change my blog template but the color thing still isn't working so I'm not gonna do it. My 'Cool Bloggers' widget was messed up, so I have to fix that.

Dad sent me a vid about a 5 year old that has the golf swing of tiger and has never gone to lessons and just learned by watching TV. In the e-mail he said that I'm a good golfer like that too but it just made me feel guilty about Wednesday (yeah, I'm never gonna get over that...).

Oh well. *shrugs*

Got an account on Flickr! I'll find a little gadget thing and post it up so you can see some of the pic's I've taken. I think some of them look pretty professional. Seriously. Makes me what to get into photography.

With golf I don't have much time to look into script writing which I mentioned before is something I want to explore. Next week is the last week though. Which brings me to brag on how I have a 5 day weekend while you guys have a 4 day. Heh heh, golf all day Wednesday, no school for me!

Missing like, lot's of tests though. Gonna take some early though and get them over with.

Need to clean my room. Will get to that maybe tonight or tomorrow.

Mom's surgery is Oct. 1st! That's Wednesday, the day of sectionals for golf which I don't get to play I believe. I hope not. I'm just gonna stay away from the course and keep hitting the range to build up my confidence again.

Umm...that's it for now. Lost my celly. Should go look for that.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Don't Worry About It!

Okay...that like, really pisses me off when people say that to me right now (No offense to the people that have said that to me).

Golf yesterday was embarrassing. To keep it short, I shot the worst game of my life in my HS golf tournament on a course which previously on a random summer day shot the best score of my life.

Yeah, golf is fucked up that way.

Oh, guess what, Windmill Lakes, that's where Ross is, my golf lesson guy, and at Windmill, our entire scores were posted up. So he could have seen it.

When I realized that today at the range with my dad I nearly broke down crying. I started tearing up and my throat closed tight and I couldn't breathe. I had to stop to pull myself together for a few minutes.

Today everyone on the team was like: It's just one bad score, don't worry about it, it's not like it counted.

1. It's not just one bad score, it's to horrible to even be considered bad, or just anything
2. If I don't worry about it, it's like I'm letting down the team and not caring
3. The whole point of playing is to get a good score so it does count so saying that just makes me feel even worse.

Oh, and I guess my history teacher heard about it too because he came up to me when we were doing this group activity thing and was like:

Him: So Ash *insert horrible score here*
Me: What?
Him: *insert horrible score here*
Me: Wh- oh... shut up. *tears up and puts head down rest of class*

Every time I even think about the numbers it tears me up inside. Last night I spent most of the night crying for Pete's sake. And today, horrible.

On the bus:

people that know I golf: Ashley!!! How was golf yesterday?! Did you win?!
me: ...no...

And another great thing before that happened too. Mrs. Sherry noticed how two days ago my mom was having a migraine and...:

Mrs. Sherry: Is it feeling better?
Me: For now
Mrs. Sherry: My son recently had a migraine. It was horrible. He was so white, and puking, and in all this pain
Me: I could only imagine what that looks like
Mrs. Sherry: It was so painful to watch
Me: Yeah... *turns Melvin up full blast*

Great huh?

PE today we actually played with a real softball. When Zak, fat ass David, and nick bata were all sitting around in the corner of the dugout drawing penis in the dirt they were like:

David: Heh, we should play Russian Roulette
Zak: We should, it's a game of luck, and I'm always lucky

I wanted to say "You didn't get lucky with me" but I held my tongue cuz I'm so nice.

It's a wonder why they all fail PE too.

English class stupid consular lady came in and blabbered on. It pissed me off when she asked us if we were interested in going to the CVCC and nobody raised her hand and she was like: "I would have expected that because almost all the people in the honors classes think 'well I'm too good enough to go there, that's for the other kids'"

Um, fucking no? Show's how bad you are and your fucking job you stupid ass bitch.


Check the updates list for some new things.

Point break in PE tomorrow. Yayz I guess. At least Zak has to get off his lazy ass and do something then...

Peaches and I were talking about Gerber today. I was saying how while walking out of my last period class he started talking to Devvy Chan so I thought of it as my way to escape and went down the opposite hall. I get halfway down "HEY ASHLEY WAIT UP!!" he catches up to me, and is all "What's wrong, you aren't-" and I told him no and sped away. Then when I was at my locker he pats me on the back and was like "See ya."

I told peaches that I was wondering if he has a whole Ashley Shrine down his basement. Like, you go down there BAM life size poster of me, a lock of my hair, a voodoo doll that looks like me.

Yep. Kinda funny when ya think about it.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Starting A Conversation

While I'm in a sour mood I'll post this:

So this has been happening to me online a lot lately:

Person: Hi
Me: Hellos


So....why did you IM me?

You said hi, it's your job to start the conversation, not mine. If you do, then I'll do my best to keep it going!


Tuesday, September 23, 2008


That last blog postie title....




Last night Hero's Villains was on from 9-11. I thought when they said 2 hour premier they meant the extra stuff in the first hour (sneak previews, people cheering on the red carpet) and then the next the actually show.

Heh heh...wrong!

I was tired. Even more so my mom was sick so I stayed up and check on her every so often. Sleep wasn't really possible last night.

Which probably leads me to my sour mood this morning. But hey, when you got Ariel glomping on you or Gerber asking me every time I'm a little crabby if I'm freaking slitting my wrists again, you tend to get that way.

Physics I nearly fell asleep in. We did stuff with sounds. Then in math we went to the computer lab today to create our passwords for the online book. We also go tons of homework. Joy. Supposed to have a test tomorrow in his class too, but we're not gonna be their cuz he'll be driving the team to Windmill lakes, leaving us to have to make it up. Brilliant.

PE I was now excited because we were playing softball. Last night my dad and I played catch outside and I batted and I was actually better than I thought I was (skillz!). Well, we get out side, and I had brought my mitt mind you, and........we're playing with a freaking wiffle ball.



Also Zak was being lazy and sat in the dugout. Anoyying. Sad. Shameful.


Spanish was boring. We were doing this thing with saying which subject pronoun when talking about a person or thing and everybody kept saying you, or we, in Spanish even the teacher told them 15 TIMES (yes I counted) that we were only using el, ella, ellos, and ellas.


History was okay. People complained about notes, very annoying. I can't wait till they get to college! =D ... -_-

Art we painted, I'm not very good, and I don't prefer painting but oh well.

Now, here's what really, really, really made my day.


I got a 3/10.

Ryan got a 1/10.

Fucking ridiculous.

There goes my good grade in that class.

Ugh, and Thursday that stupid consular lady or whatever is coming in. I hate her. She kicked me out of her office because when she asked me what college I was planning on going to I said 'which ever one will take me' and said that I had no future.

Isn't she a load of fun and inspiration.

Wrist was killing me today and worse, coach noticed. I want to play tomorrow too. Windmill is a great course and I know it well. Shot my best game there for crying out loud! If he gives me this, oh well your wrist, and there's always next year crap I'll slap him so hard his head will spin.

....and there goes my grade in math if that happens.....


I'd like to add that stress seems to be on the shoulders of many people. I think a little "I don't care fuck it" attitude helps for some things. For example:

Devvy Chan rushed to English from PE (didn't even change and was so out of breath she looked sick) because they let them into the locker room right when the bell rang, and Lardell said he wouldn't sign out a pass.

1. he was probably meaning the guys
2. the teachers would understand, it happens a lot, no biggie

So if Devlyn would have taken her time, it would have been alright, she would have been changed, and not have to worry about getting her real clothes out of her locker after school.

Now, when it comes to homework, don't us that attitude. I've tried...it doesn't work.

Big surprise there though.

Homework I get the easiest stuff done so I can concentrate more on the harder stuff and take my time and not have to worry about all the other little things I have to do.

When you get home, don't think about all the shit ya gotta do, it'll just overwhelm you.

Figure out what you'll be learning in class the next day. It will help you plan your day, and also get rid of the unknown, which stresses a lot of people (like me) out.

Example: Playing a new golf course in a match. I don't know where to hit or what to do and I lose my head and play bad.

Similar applies for school.

Don't concentrate on your grade, concentrate on doing your homework. You'll be surprised when it goes up and stays up. (at least that works for me, I don't get as worked up ya know?)

Ummm....if you don't know something, ask a friend, or e-mail your teacher.

To keep from forgetting your books during your last period class look in your planner and plan out what you need to take home so you're not rushing at your locker to make the bus.

Think that's some good advice....

Ya don't have to follow it, but if you try it, that would be nice. Hey, maybe it will work, though I'm no advice-giver-person. =p

We're going to Bob Evans tomorrow for breakfast before we go to golf! Weeeeeee!

Get to miss picture day. I'm glad, because I don't like pictures, but I'm defiantly more confident in my appearance.

Wish me luck tomorrow! =D


Sunday, September 21, 2008

Holy Crap A Giant Purple Mutant Elephant!


But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's go back.

I was planing on waking up at 10:30 yesterday. Well, when I glanced at the clock it looked like it said 10:30...it really said 1:30. I thought my dad died, no joke.

Got up, and cut the lawn in my PJ's, because I'm cool like that.

Shower, and then put on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt and came on here for awhile before heading out to pick up Devvy Chan. She was rushing to get ready, but she looked nice!

Missed Sami's house, but we found it again, we recognized it from the door. Rayy and I agreed that she can't change it because that's the only reason we know it's her house. =p

We were the 1st one's at Sami's. She was dressed up too, and I really loved her hair!

Rayy came next with the Apple Bee's. It smelled yummy.

Peaches and Ryan came next. Peaches had Ryan wear a pink tie to match her dress, and Ryan's hair was also straightened and had a ton of hair spray in it. I told him I was concerned. =p

We ate, then Rayy and I got dressed and Peaches curled Rayy's hair for an hour. She looked nice when it was done. =)

Picture time in Sami's backyard! We stood by her pond and took a group shot then single ones. Sami's dad drove Rayy, Devvy Chan, and me to the dance. He's really nice, we all laughed a lot on the way there.

Ariel found us- sadly, but I delt. Said hellos to her grandma.

Finally the dance started and it was freezing in the gym. I went with Devvy Chan to get a drink then took Ryan to show him where the pixi sticks were. He grabbed like, half the bowl. XD

After our mass sugar consumption it was time to daaaance!

I danced with everyone including Gerber, and Stash. Heh, I slow danced with Gerber. =)

Oh Oh! Remember Mushroom head from my PE class last year?! He was there, and him and a midget kid named Alex were bustin out some moves! I grinded with the midget! XD

We made grinding lines too, it was hilarious. And some guy was lifted up in the air! (like they do at Jewish wedding kinda =p)

Ryan was pimpin. He had Peaches, Rayy, Sami, Devvy Chan, Athena, and me all grind up on him a few times. It was funny. I'm sure he enjoyed the dance. =p

Heh...we all were glittery we looked like we fucked pixies!

Saw Kevin at the dance, he cleans up nice. Zak's siter came but not Zak. It would have been nice to seem him there I guess, but he didn't wanna go so... *shrugs*

After being crazy and dancing from 7:30-10:30 my dad came and picked Devvy Chan and me up. Got home, took a shower, made some Cup-A-Soup, then snacked on some BBQ chips and watched part of the movie Guess Who on TV.

Oh, when I get pic from homecoming I'll post them here.

Now I'm up and it's...


=) Lets crank out the jams.


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Nordonia Player Holds Golf Team Hostage

Mkays, lemme tell you about yesterday.

So I was on the bus, and I needed to get to the school by 7. Well, it's 7 on the dot and we're in traffic next to the commons and my bus driver gets on the PA thing and says "Ummmm, they only have one lane ahead, so we're probably gonna be stuck her another 10-15 minutes."


I got there at 7:13, coach wasn't there yet anyways. Typical.

Was all excited. We went to hit golf balls at the range first and I was hitting great, so straight and high and everything! Well, then we get to the course and he calls Ashley O. and me over. He starts talking about our scores, and how they're almost the same, but I'm getting better and Ashley is getting worse. Well, then he goes, but I'm gonna give Ashley one last chance to play, so you're gonna be the one to sit out okay?

Okay, so let me tell you this:

A. I hit the straightest on the team
B. On the whole ride to the course he was saying how YOU NEED TO HIT THE BALL WITH WHATEVER CLUB YOU HIT STRAIGHT CONSISTENTLY, no matter how far the ball goes
C. Ashley O. hits all over the place

But I guess he forgot about that.

So I sat on my ass with the coach for how many hours. And holy crap Ashley O was driving the coach up a friggin wall. On one of the holes, she even laid down on the t-box and like, took a nap!! He was gonna go crazy I swear. And the whole time yesterday, AND today she was like "oh, I fucking hate golf, i'm never gonna come back next year, blah blah blah blah"



Today was dunker day! I was the first to purchase the Dunkers of 08-09!! =D

Then I did my physics lab, and I finished the quizzes I missed.

Golf today was...interesting. We were only allowed to play with four golf clubs (stupid idea by coach) but anyways that's not even the half of it. I hit my drive on the first hole and I must have swung weird cuz my wrist started hurting. Well, during the 2nd hole when I swung it would crack and really hurt. So on the 4th hole I was talking to my assistant coach and she said that I shouldn't really play because if I do it might get even worse. So she took me outta the game and we iced it down.

Now, here's where the blog title comes in.


So, I had to get the rest of my school stuff from my assistance coaches car, cuz we put it all in there so people wouldn't steal it. So I ask her for the keys to her car, and I got my stuff and locked the car. But to carry all of it I had to put the keys in my pocket. So I put my clubs I had to take outta my bag in my golf bag, throw my book bag in and golf stuff in the car, and then go back to the club house.

I'm attacked by people because my bad wrist had a HUGE bag of ice on it. Well, after many hugs, and pizza (because rever is so awesome to bring it) I get in the car, and mom starts to drive home while I explain my wrist. Well, we're not even half way home when I get a call from my (my favorite person on the golf team, ya know, Mya Williams??) and she goes: Umm..do you have the coaches keys??

I forgot the key's in my pocket!!!


I was so embarrassed/laughing my ass off. My mom could hardly drive she was laughing so hard.

In the end, she got the keys back. =p

Got home, dad was worried about my wrist cuz I'm supposed to be playing golf tomorrow with grandpa. At the moment it's sore and hurts when I move it, but I hope it's gonna be okay. I'm wearing one of my mom's brace thinggys right now.

Well, that's it for the night. Heh heh.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Attack of the Tards, and the Chatty, Cheating, Whores

School was fine today. Learned I'm gonna miss a lab in physics and about 2 tests. Joy.

Today the tards took over our lunch table!! I mean, it's always full and the teachers just had them sit there so then everybody had no place to sit for lunch. Pissed me off.

Think I actually did well on the Spanish quiz I took today.

Golf was okay. We played against Solon. Now, let me tell you, this girl I played with, couldn't cheat to save her life.

Every hole she tried to cheat on and she cheated badly.

On the 4th hole:

"I got 4"
You got 4?
You sure?
"Um, yeah"
Well I had you at a 9
"I had a 4!"
Okay, so lets go over this....your first shot hit that tree, your second shot went into the rough, your third shot you were in the sand, fifth shot sand, sixth shot edge of the green, and then you 3 putted.
"Oooooh that's right. I forgot."


Solon won, but as the team was talking in the car we all said that the girls we were playing with tried to cheat. Also, they were rude. They would never stop talking, specially about guys, and they took pratice swings while we were hitting.


Oh, and of course coach is gonna tell us if we're playing tomorrow or not since he's SOOO organized.

Still in a pretty good mood though!

Sami found this hilarious picture. It's on her blog, check it ouuuuut!

Now, time for shower and then to bed!


Monday, September 15, 2008

Yo Hooooo Blow The Man Down!

Bonefire wasn't really a bonefre Friday, on account of rain, on we hung out in the basement. It was...intresting to say the least. I'm gonna try to be less...how should I say this...open about myself. Getting kinda slutty I guess. Either that or you can just say I'm proud.


Devvy chan came home with me. We watched part of Jamingi downstairs with my dad then went up to bed. Dad and JJ tool Devvy Chan to Penelope's and she gots a pancake. I always get that and man, mmmmmmm, they are good. =p

Rest of the day we spent on the computer, updating our IPods and stuff like that. Then we went over to my Grammy's for dinner. Came back, company was over for the big OSU game, so Devvy Chan and I played guitar hero and stuff like that. Went to bed, and then Sunday I made my dad drive me to the range to hit balls. Before we got home Dad had to go to Marcs and while I was there I bought some men's deodorant (because seriously, woman's sucks fucking ass and doesn't do shit) and some more ankle socks.

Rest of the day we hung out indoors as it got worse and worse outside. Mom's head started to really pound so she didn't make dinner, which is okay. Devvy Chan and I make ourselves some food and then we tried to drive her home.

Well the power kept going out (hello, electric garage door) and it wasn't exactly good to be driving out there. But Devvy Chan HAD to get home because her mom said she HAD to do her homework....

So, we tried SIX different ways to get her home. There were power lines exploding all around it! It was epic. Once we made it to her street, there was a cop blocking the road. There were live wires down on the road and they weren't letting anybody through no matter what. So, she had to stay with us! Yayz!

Oh, and get this. When we were driving up one of the streets and trying to find a way BACK to my house, my dad was like "Nothing has happened on this street yet..." and as soon as he said that, a tree fell into the road!


When we got home the power was out, so we had to manually get the garage door up. Then, we played Uno in the dark (victory was miiine, I won both games =p). A tree in my neighbors yard fell down (and I also heard up by his cottage his boat and dock got blown away, he found his boat though...), and it was basically all Twilight Zone outside.

Took a shower in the dark, then went to bed. Then woke up. Then fell back to sleep. Then woke up and laid down with the dog to calm her down. Then stayed up some more and fell asleep and once I was finally starting to actually get some rest, the alarm clock rang on my celly.


Got ready in the dark with Devvy Chan. Which leads me to tell you that flashlights only do so much good, and learned that the socks I got at Marcs were reeeeeally soft. =D

Devvy Chan road my bus, then we parted to go to our lockers and school began. It was boring most of the time. History is gonna be interesting tomorrow though. Debate on whether or not you think the government helped with 9/11 or not.

I dunno where I stand. I think I'll just sit and watch. =)

Practice today was a mini celebration I think. Why? HE FINALLY REALISES WE'RE NOT A 2 MAN (or should I say woman) TEAM!!

Like, instead of working with the two 'stars' of the team, he actually attempted to help me and the other girls.

He's learning!!


Have a headache and really could care less if I eat dinner right now. I just want to finish my homework and watch Death Note.



Thursday, September 11, 2008


I couldn't think of another title.

Yesterday I had a tests in Physics that was easy. Ran track with the fast people and got in 3rd. Heh, when Carlos ran he didn't stay in his lane. I guess nobody told him. =p

Sat next to Zak afterwards. He was sitting by himself and he looked really lonely. It was kinda uncomfortable but I wanted to show him that I don't want us to avoid each other. PE ended then hardly ate any lunch. Spanish was okay, Johansson's class was fun, and English was boring.

Golf game was good. We won by A LOT. That's just cuz we're so skilled.


Physics we took notes, Geometry we took notes, PE I sat in the bleachers with the guys (Stash, Ryan S, John, and Zak). Heh...John was yelling at Stash for trying to strangle him but Stash said "What, it was just a neck hug!"


I'm gonna use that defense in court. =p

Awhile after Zak at behind me then picked me up and held me in his lap like a baby (shut up) and was kinda like: "I should throw you over the bleachers." Squirrel (Ryan) asked what I did and Zak said "What didn't she do?"

Okay, I know he probably wouldn't have thrown me over the bleachers but that was kinda outta character for him, and it kinda scared me.

I also asked him if he wanted his jacket back but he said no and to keep it. I feel kinda guilty, he really liked it, but his mom won't let him wear it anyways so it's okay right?



Spanish we had a quiz. I think I did okay.

Heh, in History we got in this big debate about if the government helped plan out 9/11 and stuff. This kid named Cameron and Mr. Johansson got at it, it was funny. Then Mr. J put a topic for it online and guess who I found on the forum!! Tom!! =D

OMG in art today somebody made a clay penis and put it in one of the still life's! XD I took a pic of it on my celly.

English we read more poems. I'll study them a bit tomorrow. Devvy Chan you did a good job reading today! =D

No practice tomorrow! I'll feel so naked without my clubs on the bus! =p

Can't wait for the bonfire!


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Top Dog, Crayons, and Relationships

My gosh today I was so nervous I forgot how to spell my own name. Seriously. I was like..Ashl-.......l.....somthing.......

Geometry was boring kinda. Didn't finish my homework, but awe well, I still know how to do the crap.

PE I got picked in the top six people to play that quick football thing! Yay! I feel skilled!!

Lunch I got sick again. But tried to hold it back.

Spanish I got an A on my tests!!! Yippee! Gonna check the grade book right now...


Meh, physics teacher is a fricktard. On our lab that we brought home to do for homework it says missing. I'm sure he'll put the points up, but it brings my grade down to a freaking D!!!


History Sara Mayer was so retarded....I swear I just wanna slap some brains into her sometimes...The whole class was complaining about the small amount of notes we had to take. Lazy bums. They're gonna have a rude awakening when they get to college...

Art was fine.

English we listened to some stupid sermon, and she sprayed water on us, lite a candle, shot arrows, and brought a fake spider to peoples desk. I petted it, heh. Then...


I drew a fire, with a Lepercon looking pilgrim on a string being held by the 'hand of god'!

After class came the moment I was pretty much dreading. I saw Zak in the hall way and I said I needed to talk to him. Guys...

I broke up with him.

Now I'm not saying I hate him, and that he's stupid or anything like that. He's still a great guy, and I enjoyed the time we spent together, but our relationship was going further than I expected (although that's partially my fault) and there is so much crap going on in my life right now, he deserves a better girl that has time for him.

I feel guilty, he looked really down at his locker. I told him I was sorry and gave him a hug, then ran to get my golf clubs.

Golf was okay. Got my swing back. Shot a 52.

Ate Arbeys for dinner, talked to devvy chan, then went online and talked to ryan about golf. Next summer I challenge him and Andy to a match and Shawnee! =D

Heh, Gerber was texting me while I was talking to Ryan and he was like: So how was Arbeys? And I never told him I ate dinner there and when I asked him how he knew he said that he knew everything that goes on around me. XD

He's so cute ^-^ lol

I said that if he knew everything, then what type of thong was I wearing? (as suggested by Ryan) He said ha ha, and that he was really goin to a TI meeting.


In history class today we got bored and Mr. J went on youtube and we found a vid with Collin in it! Take a look:


I think it's hilarious.

That's all for now.

I hope Zak is okay.


Monday, September 8, 2008

Brains, Shouting, Peace, and High School

Recap of classes today:

Did a review worksheet for our big test tomorrow. It was easy so I'm sure I'll do fine. Had a sub so Mr. O'Brien wasn't there.

Today in class we learned how much brains a slut has. Rachel Borvika said that 1x1=2 and 49+1=53.


I guess the answer is not much.

Walked the track and then fought for the clipboard and wrote my name down in the last spot for the 100 yard sprint. I'm not lazy, that's just my strongest thing track-wise.

Forced food down my throat again and in turn, almost puked.

The test was way easier than the quizzes. I think I got an A. I asked my Spanish teacher: "?how do you say I love you in Spanish?" in Spanish and she was all like O.O woah, how do you know how to say that??

Pontose for me!

Always fun.

A pain perusual but I got to listen to my IPod.

Took a pop quiz of the weird passage thing we had to read. I only missed 2.

Practice was okay. Yet again fighting for a spot. Won. But not as much as I wanted to. Fucked up hole 8. Don't even want to tell you what I got on that hole.

Got home, mom yelled at me for only eating half of a piece of chicken and then we got into a stupid fight about my room. I went out in the backyard for 3 hours and fell asleep. Then my dad came out to check on me (which is a big surprise).

My mom went to get her meds and she bought me purple nail polish. I don't have the heart to tell her that though. So we're kinda made up now.


Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sluts, Whores, and Movies

Today I woke up and got ready to go boating only to find that it was too cold and that JJ and Dad had decided to go to downtown and feed the police horses. So I went on the computer today. Ariel kept sending me e-mails about how excited she is to go to home coming with Josh and yadda yadda. Which brings me to Part A of the title (Sluts, Whores).

Slut: A person who sleeps around
Whore: A person who makes $money$ sleeping around

Now, Ariel has gone out with three guys so far: John, Roy, and now Josh. As soon as she dumped John she told me she liked some other guy in our grade. As soon as Roy dumped her she told me she liked Josh. Now, when Josh dumps her of vise-versa do you think she will:

A. Get really really sad and not date another guy ever
B. Not care and move on to another guy two seconds after the break up
C. Attack me in the hall's and by e-mail saying she likes another guy

If you choose B or C you win!

Now, as an annoyed teenage, I would simply say Ariel is a relationship slut.

As an adult, I would say she's simply dating a bunch of guys to feel like she's actually liked.

Sound reasonable?

(By the way Josh asked her out via note).

Anyways, I got most of my homework done and checked my grades today. I have all A's except in Spanish. I have a D, yay! See, I'm not a failure yet. After doing some homework I messed around with the new movie making software I downloaded off the web and I started thinking.

So, basically all of you guys have some type of future planned out for you. You have, some type of career in your heads you wanna work for in high school. Me, on the other hand, has been sticking with my kindergarten answer, teacher. Which, I can't believe my mom believes I actually want that when teachers wake up at how early inthe morning? Bleh. Moving on!

I thought about the things I like to do: Reading, writing, making lame vid's for youtube, going on forums, watching movies, blogging. Well, all that got me thinking. Filming.

Huh? Huh? Whadda ya think? (Honestly if you think it's stupid just tell me).

So, my cousin Todd is a film director (he's in the process of making a movie right now!) and I decided to e-mail him about my idea of heading in this direction for a career choice. I asked him things like what he ACTUALLY does (cuz I'm sure he doesn't just sit in a chair and boss people around) and the classes I might want to think of taking in High School and all that jazz. I'm waiting for his reply.

Now, I dunno EXACTLY what I wanna do in the art of filming. Script writer? Making those stupid little commercials on TV? I dunno. Whatever peeks my interest I guess.

Soooo, that's it for now.


Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Haunting

Mkays, so you all know the song I Kissed A Girl by Katy Perry. Well, last night at the bonfire we were singing it, when I got home and turned on my radio it was playing, today I downloaded the ringtone, and as soon as my dad and I walk into Pat'Dee's it starts playing.

It's a sign O.O

Aaaaaanyways, stayed up until 2ish last night because I borrowed the movie Accepted from Ryan and I love it. Slept in until 11:40 then went on the computer for awhile. Dad and I walked the dog, came home, got my golf stuff, then went out to dinner, then back home, then hit balls at the range and then came home again.

Heh, at Pat'Dee's the whole parking lot was filled with motorcycles, and when we walked inside the place was filled with Harley Davidson biker babes and dudes. The music was blasting, and I found a few more songs to put on my IPod there. In short, it was pretty awesome.

Took a quick shower and then Zak came over and I watched the movie Accepted again. I love it so much. Then we watch Brian Regan on comedy central. I like him, he's on Melvin.

Then he went home and now I'm here. I'm going boating tomorrow so I might not answer.


I Kissed A Girl And I Liked It

Heh, that's a really funny song now.

So, school was okay. History class was of course fun. In art my upside down drawing was good except for the dude's head I had to draw. It looked like a really crappy MySpace pic. XD I'm so putting that on my fridge when we get it back.

Didn't have golf practice today because of the rain. Well, it was optional, but I saw no point in it. Went home on the bus and got home around 2:30ish. It was so weird being home that early. =p

Hung out around the house. Dad and I went and got pizza, and then we headed out to pick up Zak and Devvy Chan to go to Ryan's bonfire. Together it was Devvy Chan, Zak, Peaches, Ryan, Myself, and Ryan's brothers 11 friends that were going to sleep over that night. I felt so bad for him mom.

Went swimming, and then we hung out around the fire. Talked about things, did some stupid stuff, then went up to Ryan's bedroom and did even stupider stuff. Then we watched Comedy Central and youtube videos.

Oh, and remember how I told you guys my dad thought I was popping pills? I didn't put it in a blog posties so here's a recap: I asked my dad if he did drugs in HS and he said no, he got fucked up in college cuz there was too much shit goin on in HS. Then the next morning I was eating tic-tacs and he accused me of popping pills.


Well today it gets even better.

On the phone before he got home he said this: "Now Ashley, I don't belive you will do drugs, but I don't believe in coincidences either, and I think at that party, somebody, preferably Ryan, is going to get high tonight."

Ryan I will apologize for my dad being such a dumbass.

Soooooo lets see...NOW my dad thinks I'm:

-Doing drugs
-Watching Porn
-Turing into a 'Gothic Bloodsucker'

*sniff* I'm so proud *sniff* he has so much trust in me! *wipes tears with hankie*

Last night was a blast though. It was nice I guess that Ryan and I are on terms somewhat, and I'm really glad Zak and him are friends again.


It was so a night that made me think "If HS is like this now...college should be fucking CRAZY!"



Thursday, September 4, 2008


Sooo, the reason why I didn't post yesterday was because in every class I had homework.

Recap of classes yesterday (man this postie might be looooong):

Er, ya know what....I'll just do this, put the class, and put what happened yesterday and THEN today! Mkays, shorten the posite a tad.

Yesterday- Did a rubber band experiment and committed a crime. I brought tic-tacs and a water bottle into that class. AGAINST OHIO LAW!! Yay, I'm on my way to be a criminal! =p

Today- Went over the metric system and how to convert stuff. I knew how to do it and it was soooooo boring. I think Mr. O'Brien dyed his hair today. It seems less grey and more brown. *shrugs*

Yesterday- Went over homework, did notes, got more homework.

Today- Went over homework, did notes, got more homework.

Ya know Mr. Lawrence is like Mrs. Ippy from Middle School except he's not monotone.

Yesterday- My right contact was bothering me, and then it fell out. Took me five minutes to put it back in (when I got home it turns out it was ripped in the middle) and then me and Alabert walked the track. I like walking the track, walking is like, what I do.

Today- Kicked the freshies asses in point break! Hellz to the yeah!


Only ate a chicken sandwich both days. Hopefully soon I'll be used to eating that early.

Yesterday- So there was this total cluster fuck in the hallway and it was jammed. Once it was moving I had 1 minute to get to my locker and Spanish class. So, in my rush I accidentally grabbed my English binder instead of Spanish... I signed out a past and got it, but Smith wouldn't except my homework that was in it and yelled at me for not being prepared....

Today- Got my Spanish quiz back. I got a D, hellz yeah! I was so depressed over the little fact that she wouldn't except my homework that I could have cared less about the test. I wonder what my grade in there is...

Yesterday- Of course I had fun! We went over a bunch of stuff. I still had fun though!

Today- I AM FREAKING HONORED MAN. LEMME TELL YOU WHY! Okay, so you know how's I'm a forum nerd and all. Well, I created a topic called: The How-Tos Of the EAF, and today he said he was gonna make it it's own section and I would be the moderator!!! He also upped my status!!! IS THAT AWESOME OR WHAT?! NO, IT'S EPIC!! O.O


Yesterday + Today- I got to listen to my IPod, enough said.

Yesterday- Had a test over the summer reading. It was okay, but some of the questions were stupid in a they-didn't-make-sense kinda way. Some of them were really hard and specific too, like, way to little details that you could have forgotten because they didn't matter.

Today- Took notes THE WHOLE TIME so my hand was cramping.

Yesterday we lost to Solan by one stroke!! Darmit. Meh, didn't play my best game yesterday and I got yelled at because apparently I was shaking from lack of food. Heh...whoops. Today we had practice, it was okay.

Got home, went on the forum- dur- IMed people, checked youtube and e-mails. Cleaned my room a bit, did homework. I'm gonna finish my Spanish during lunch. So I'll be late getting there I guess, unless I bring my Spanish with me. I'm sure I can.

Gonna check out the forum again, go on youtube and do random Internet crap until I need to take a quick shower and go to bed.

Meh, oh, ya know that smiley necklace I bought that I really like?? Weeeell, it has nickle in it, and I'm allergic to nickle (and I don't mean if you give me 5 cents I'll get a rash...). So now all around my neck and upper chest I have like, this really annoying rash from it. Meh. Mom put cream on it though, so it should get better soon.


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

If I Had To Choose...

Between having a sore throat and getting shot in the leg, I'd choose getting shot in the leg. I would rather have any other form of being sick, AT THE SAME TIME.

Sinuses suck.

It was so cold in my Geometry class my teeth were chattering!


PE was okay. Tomorrow I'm planning on going up to Carlos the Porto-recan kid, giving him a hug and then walking away!!!


Cuz I'm weird like that. =p

Lunch I actually had time to eat, and Spanish was okay.

I must say, history is becoming my favorite class this year. Why?

-The teacher is funny
-There is a forum!
-I'm a nerd so I like the forum
-Everything is basically online and I like dealing with computers
-It's just a fun class

Heh today was funny. Here's how it all went down:

Johansson: Then there was Edison who made the light bulb. Which was good because, candles and straw roofs back then don't mix. Also, do not to be confused with Franklin who gets credited for inventing everything! *in funny voice* Ben Franklin invented fire!! O.O

Then he said something about Chicago and...

Brice: Didn't it burn down?

Johansson: Yes. Franklin invented fire and burned down Chicago.


I dunno I find that funny. =p

Umm...art was cool. I asked if we could listen to our IPods and the teacher said yes!!

English was boring.

Golf was a home game, which i hate because our home course sucks. I did better than I thought I did on that course, shot a 55. Bad, but not on that course. Heh, I was the talk of the day today because I chipped from 100 feet and the ball went in the cup! =D

I've got mad skillz!!

Hmm...forgot about eating today....I'll eat a Klondike bar! Ya for dinner!


Another reason why that class is awesome.

Well, better get started on my homework. Meh.


Monday, September 1, 2008

Happy Labor Day!

To everyone!

Went to the carnival with Zak, his parents, sisters, and his one sitsters friend Jamie. They got here around 11:30 and I had just gotten outta the shower, so I was alittle wet heh heh. Car ride there was about 30-45minutes-ish. It was fun. Went to Geagua County Fair by the way.

Met up with Zak's grandparents, they were pretty cool, then got food. Zak, paid for like, EVERYTHING.....I still feel kinda guilty. He said that's what he's supossed to do, but it's not like he has a job or anything like that. I'm okay with paying, at least for my food. Meeeeeeeh.

Anyways, we wadered around a bit. It seemed like we had targets on us or something because when we were walking past all the games, a lot of the guys were like: "Come here maaan, win something for your girlfriend. You gonna let her go home with sore feet and no cuddly??" Of course they were really saying: "$GIVE ME YOUR MONEY BITCH!$" O.O But he did two games anyways.

The first one was where you throw baseballs at these rows of beer bottles and if you break 2 ya get a prize. Zak broke one, and missed the rest. Then the guy gave me a free throw and I hit the beer bottle but it bounced off! >=/

Next one was this one where there were these blue buckes hanging on their sides on the wall and ya had to throw this fucked up looking ball into it without it bouncing out. If ya got two in, you could either get a stuffed animal or $250! Zak spend around like 15-20 bucks on it, he made one in everytime but the second one always missed. The dude gave me this cheap stuffed bear outta pity. Seriousely, the hands were ripped and there was a Happy Mother's Day tag on it.

Meh, I feel guilty about that too....GUILT IS EVIL.

Walked around some more, Zak bought me a soda (meh.) and we sat on a bench for awhile. On the sidewalk this kid took a watter bottle, poked a hole in it, and then used the water to write his name on the ground a bunch of time. We yelled "Hi Nick!" and he waved. =p

We saw an Amish guy that looked like a pirate! Seriousely!

Oh, we also saw 'Ape Girl' and lemme tell ya, IT WAS THE FUNNIEST LAMEST THING EVER!!! I WISH YOU GUYS COULD HAVE SEEN IT!! XXXD!!

Basicaly it was a chick in an ape suit. Enough said right there.

Got my mom some candy apples, went and checked out some farm animals and then left. Zak made my laugh so hard on the car ride home my cheaks and ribs hurt. =p

When I got dropped off it was nearly time for dinner. Dad's knickers were in a twsit (XD always wanted to use that phrase!) for some reason, and he kept picking on JJ enough that he skipped dinner and hung around outside. ='(


Instead of goin to the range I faked hitting golf balls while my dad took the dog for a walk. Took a shower, finished up my homework, and read more of Breaking Dawn. It's like 11:30 right now and I'm still wide away. This could be a problem. Have school, then golf match tomorrow, plus Spanish test. I know everything but still.

Damn, anyone make flash cards for spanish by chance??

Meh. Hope my mood isn't stale tomorrow.



Mother fucking fuck. I wrote, like this really long post and blogger fucked it up and it didn't post. It took me a whole fucking hour to type it.

I don't wanna type it now. fuck it. Now i'm in a bad mood.