Wednesday, January 28, 2009


An actual snow day!

Not a cold day, but a snow day!

Why couldn't the dumbass call school off yesterday night instead of calling at 5:30 in the morning?

I mean shit, did he really think it could get better?


JJ and I watched TV down in the basement then we went to play in the snow.


Dad called and said that JJ had to snow blow the driveway, and I had to help him.

I did this instead:

If ya can't read it, it says Hi Mom.

You don't know how tiring it was to write that...

I also wrote Hi on the deck. =p

Spent the rest of my time here online.

Downloaded some new music and stuffs.

New song on the playlist.

Looked at video cameras on Best Buy's website.

Couldn't really find anything...


Oh well, I like actually going to the store and looking at them.

That's about it...

I'm hungry now.

