Friday, January 23, 2009

I Am So Tired...

Of dealing with stupid people today...


Ever since I got home...


VV was awesome today.

Hung out with Cy, Lienne, and Jeff for the day.

Before we were on our way we discussed our big projects. I think I have an idea for mine. I like it mostly because I can attack random people in the park and interview them. =D

My idea:

Akron and Cleveland seem to be depending much on their ecotourism. Obviousely it's doing a great job...

Anyways, I'm basically going to try and solve that by finding better ways to promote this. What will bring more people to the parks or, what keeps bringing people back that we can maybe even expand or improve? Things like that.

It's basically the genteral idea.

I dunno, it sounds good right now. Mom liked it. Dad will like taking me to the park too.

Attacking radom people FTW. =p

Moving on!

Went to the Western Reserve Historical Society.

The beginning tour was really...boring....

And the photographer lady, which I'm guessing was from the Akron Journal (since Mr. Downing said that there would be one there next trip), was annoying.

Ugh I remember that one photographer guy at golf...

I'm freaking putting and all I hear is CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK!!


Anyways, Cy, Lienne, Jeff and I went to the botanical gardens to eat lunch before heading back.

Cy and Lienne had a snowball fight, then we started pushing each other in the snow. =p

I'll be honest, I didn't really learn anything, we kinda just messed around most of the time. The cars were really interesting though.

I dunno why but I've always had this thing for old cars.

When I got home Dad wanted JJ and I to go up on the roof and knock the snow down away from the chimney because it was leaking into the basement.

While my Dad got up there to do some stuff (yes, there is no taking it easy for this one armed man, let me tell you...) JJ and I started having a snowball fight and pushing each other into the snow.

Then we threw snowballs at my Dad's head. =p

After that Dad wanted us to shovel the slush off the driveway before it turned into ice. In the end, it really never got done because JJ and I continued our sillies in the snow. =p

It was really good snow too, packed together really well.

JJ and I kicked some at each other and I got some in my nose. =p

Went inside the garage to take our wet clothes off. I took off my wet jeans and took the towel we use to dry the dog off and wrapped it around my waist. When I walked into the house my Mom was like "....Um...isn't that the...never mind..."


Tried to call Gioninos but that dreaded BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP kept happening every time I called, so I got Pizza Hut instead.

Which is fine too, I love their cheesy crust.

Dan and Gary are over right now. Dad is sad he can't kick their asses in pool since he's only got one arm.

Poor Dad, I'll guess I'll have to play for him! =p

One of my favorite CSI episodes came on, so I was excited.

Talked with Cy a bit on the phone.

Methinks I'm going to catch up on my Vampire Knight episodes. Believe I'm almost done with the serise.

Watched my Silent video again...

I'm thinking of re-doing is but the timing is so perfect on this one...


Heh, I remember Mr. Shank cried when he watched it. =p


You all just lost the game.




Jason said...

What video did Mr. Shank cry at?
-Best thing ever.
by the way, Amanda Brant=Bitch. :)

Sethna said...

It's not nice to talk about other people. I'm sure Amanda Brandt is a fine young lady if you just take the time to get to know her. /acerbic wit

I like the idea of accosting random folk in the park, I was thinking about that when it came up in the morning and I came to the conclusion that you must be sure not to attack any joggers because you'd be interrupting their workout routine. Or any serious bikers. You'll be able to tell because they'll be dressed like faggots (think Loman).

I so won that snowball fight with Lienne. I myself was noting how nice the snow was for packing, I think it was a result of it being warm yesterday (sad how 37 degrees is "warm"). You'd better have won too.

I learned loads at the museum! What are you talking about messing around?

Psh. Also, throwing snowballs at an impaired man's head as he's on the roof of a two-story structure? How despicable.

I heart your mom.