Saturday, January 24, 2009

Dear Young Youtubers

Youtube is a video sharing website where people can create, upload, and share their videos.

It is not an instant messenger, nor is it a Myspace or a Facebook.

Also, just because you aren't at school doesn't mean that you have to completely forget how to leave comments using proper English, grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

Dat iz not wat utube iz 4. And gawd u sond lkie u r stoopid or somtin.


The comments box is also called that for a reason. It is for you to comment on the video above, not for you to tell people to check out your channel or to copy and paste chain mail.

With that said, please stop asking me "Wat u up 2?" on my channel, use proper English, and quite begging me to check out your videos and subscribe.


An annoyed Youtuber

You guys seriously don't know how many 11-13 year olds I've had to deal with today on Youtube...


Learned how to snow blow the driveway today.

Your tongue gets really cold.

Ha, get it?!

Snow BLOW? TONGUE gets cold? Dad didn't think that was too funny either. =p

After the driveway JJ and I played in the snow.

We were trapped in the North Pole (our backyard) but managed to travel a distance to a nearby ice burg (our deck) and into an ice cave (our porch) to find a feline frozen in the ice wall (Hamilton sitting in front of the window inside).

After coming to the end of the cave we came face to face with a giant wolf (Shannon). She attacked us, and stole my glove, and attempted to bury it in the snow. Luckily, a huge ice breaker came and a many threw down a rope, shouting at us to climb up before we caught a cold (which was really our Mom yelling at us for not having gloves and to get inside before we got frostbite).

We told her it was the giant wolf's fault.

Went to the movies with Dad and Grammy. Saw Grand Torino. Good movie, lots of laughs. Almost cried though.

No, the dog doesn't die. If so I would have said the movie sucked.

A lot of racist comments so if you're touchy then don't see it.

I got to back the car out of the drive way again. =p

Played a little Pac Man World 2 on the PS2 and now I'm here, chillin and listening to music.

I'm a little sad because I can't find the 4 pony ties I always wear on my wrist. I think they fell off while I was out in the snow...

I feel so incomplete...





Sethna said...

"A lot of racist comments so if you're touchy then don't see it."

What are you trying to say here, huh huh? Fucking white people.

I absolutely adore your snowland adventure. It sounds like something Lienne and I would partake in, only more gay.

And I don't approve of your ageist mindset.

itz not gunna fli b/c dis iz da nu way 2 spek n da internetz. kthxbye.

rachel said...

i think leet speak kinda's cool, like a code that i can never.figure. out.

but ti's so complicated

(@n u !m@g!n3 #@v!n 2 t@7k 7!k3 +#!$?

gives me a headache sometimes. and that serious probably took me like, three minutes just to write that phrase =p or it could look like just a lot of swear words =]

i think i wanna join in the snow adventure, they have like 12 foot tall snow mounds at the commons =]*sotempting*

i liked the joke, not funny, but i was entertained =p