Sunday, January 25, 2009

Harty Har Har

"I'm against picketing, but I don't know how to show it."

Ah...I love Mitch Hedberg.

#1 comedian in my book.

Studied most of the day, and did random stuffs.

A shame he died speedballin....



Spent most of my day studying, helping Dad out, doing random stuff on the interwebs and such.

Went with Dad to take the dog for a walk.

I got to wear the ninja mask because it was snowing. =p

Cleaned my room today.

While I was I saw a car pull into the driveway and it looked exactly like Cy's. I was getting all excited until it pulled out and went away...


That's about it.

"I order the club sandwich all the time, but I'm not even a member, man. I don't know how I get away with it."


1 comment:

Sethna said...

Yesssss. I am tagged in another post. I'm finally beating my boy Zak. I was waiting for that.

The badge of superiority is mine!