Sunday, November 30, 2008

Lets Cuddle And Watch The Fire

Went over to Grammy's house today to help decorate her house for the season. In the end we started a fire and was so hypnotized by it we didn't do much decorating.


Grammy made us an early dinner and then we went home.

Once home I worked 5 hours straight on my history paper. No breaks, no snacking. That's how I normally like to do homework.

Which is kinda bad because 3 hours into those 5 hours I was so hungry I was shaking and dizzy.

But come ooooon I was almost done with the paper and having so much fun writing it (seriously) and if I would have stopped I would have lost 'the mood' and wouldn't have been able to finish it.

I had a Klondike bar. my paper, when I was talking about how the American troops training in France didn't really get to fighting until 12 months later, I put: "American troops didn't get any action until 12 months later when they hit the front lines..."


I kill myself sometimes.


Yes, very healthy, but I didn't want to spend so much time eating because I wanted to watch my VV videos I needed to watch before tomorrow.

Really I only needed to watch 2, but I watched all 12 of em, they were actually semi-interesting.


In the tour thing I have to listen to it just sounded like some kid on a bike ran into a wall!

It was like *ching ching* BAM "ooooow."


Might listen to Melvin for a bit before going to bed.

Have to wake up at 7:30 tomorrow, we're going to be going to Cleveland and we get to eat in the Hard Rock Cafe!!!


The learning is cool too...



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