Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Great Blue Rescue!

Hehe...that rhymes.


Yesterday Dad, JJ, and I decided to go out on a hike in the...Brecksville Reservation I believe.

Before we did Dad wanted to turn all the coins he had in this big jar he had been saving up for years (there were mostly pennies in it) and turn it into cash.



I'm gonna start saving now...

I have a little itty bitty jar. ^-^

Hiked to this big gorge and when we were on this over-look thing I saw a Pepsi can at the bottom!

I named it Blue and I asked my Dad if I could get it, but he said maybe at the end of the hike.

In the end, I climbed down the 3 mini waterfalls and slippery rocks and slid down to save Blue!


Then I tried to get back up the way I didn't work...

So then JJ threw his walking stick down to me and I climbed up the side and threw Blue up to him.

These people, who turned out to be watching the whole thing, started clapping. =p

They had a nice doggie, who's name was Otis. Oh, and there was this gay guy, who was their friend, who's name was Alex, who complemented my Dad on his boots and said he liked me hat! =D

Alex had a cool rainbow bowl-like hat on too. =p

Funny thing was, when they were walking away JJ and I heard Alex say to his friend "that old guys jacket did not match his outfit."


Dad dropped me off at Devvy Chan's house for a few hours.

I told her about the great blue rescue and then we played rock band. After that we hid under her covers while her dog tried to attack us. =p

Ashton came over and her 2 little cousins (one 3, one 7) joined her...little brats...

I hid my honey buns from all of them. =p

Today I woke up and Dad and I did some un-needed yard work.

We cleaned the grange floor, picked up some leaves, cleans up the dog shit, re-organized the tools in his barn, then shoveled some snow off of the driveway.


Now we're all warm and cozy in the house and I'm waiting for JJ to come home so we can play Mario Party 8.

Might be hangin out with Cyrus later on tonight...

I wish it was cold enough to have a nice warm fire...

Speaking of which, THE FIRE PLACE CHANNEL IS ON!!!

My most favorite channel ever during the winter months.

Check. It. Out.

Oh yeah, and if you see someone put a new log on the fire (not just moving it, has to be a new one) then you get good luck!



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