Friday, November 14, 2008

Average Day

Pretty average day today. Didn't set my alarm clock but woke up at 6 on the dot thank goodness.

School was normal.

Funny how in Physics some people said air was a fluid...

I love stupid people. =)

History we had another raffle!

Of course I didn't win, I'm not like my dad. =p

Friday night, so the guys are over, and by guys I mean my dad's friend Gary who's been coming over every Friday night since I can remember, and Dan Grayson.

I chatted with them down at the fire pit and left so they could have their 'man time'. time...I want to be in a man time conversation at least once (by in I mean part of not being talked about).


Saw my first fight ever yesterday! Yes, I know, not exactly the best thing to be excited about, but it's true!


In art I drew a cartoon Mexican and named him Jose Paco (I realize those are 2 first names). For the background we need to cut out new's paper stuff and have a theme to it, so the theme is going to be The Life Of Jose Paco.

Ya see, he's an insane boarder jumping Mexican. =p

After school I ordered my jacket, and then we ate pizza!

Was bored so I watched that movie I made in 8th grade, Silent. Remember how a few posts ago I was questioning about why it made everyone cry all the time? Well, it almost made me tear up...

But it's so lame...I need to make another one....preferable with someone reading the words aloud this time. Maybe I could get Gretta to narrate (I haven't baby sat her in awhile...I should visit her next door...I bet she's so big now...) if Rayy lets me borrow her mic. =D

If anyone wants to watch the lame version right now I can e-mail it to ya if you promise not to send it to anyone else. =)


I didn't tell you where we ate the pizza.

Dad and I ordered the pizza and then parked in the cemetery to eat it!

If it's one thing we like to do in this house, it's picnic in a cemetery.

Depressing right? Ha ha ha WRONG.

There are many happy things about them.

1. In the fall they are beautiful with all the trees different colors and leafs on the ground
2. Dashes

Wait, dashes?

What the hell right?

I'll explain.

So on the gravestone you see the year, a dash, and then another year.

There's the start of their life and then the end of their life. And then, there's the dash, which signifies when they LIVED.

My dad taught me that a long time ago when we were eating Arbys there one time. =)

Ah...this post is....boring...

Thinking of maybe changing the background tonight. If not I'll get to it eventually.

Added some new song's to the playlist!

Teenagers; My Chemical Romance (current generation)
Midnight Ride; The Allman Brothers Band (older generation)
Bruises; Chairlift (IPod Nano-chromatic commercial song)
Crazy Frog; Axel F (Weird song that they don't play at our dances anymore)


Charil's party tomorrow!! Rayy and I are both excited!


Okay....I can't....end this's needs something funny at the end...what...


Jojo told me in PE today that she was watching a Myth Busters and she was telling me how they prooved the saying 'you can't polish your poop' (wtf right?) wrong.

So they polished poop. And apparently Lion poop is shinier than anything else they shine.



Funny youtube video time!

I seriously had a teacher like this back in Lee Eaton, they covered for Mrs. Taylor while she was on maternity league.

Click here.

Blogger is acting up...curses....


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