Monday, November 10, 2008

Intresrting morning, loud afternoon

So I had another blonde moment this morning. I turned on the news and they were showing all these people packed in a church balling their eyes out, and the minister said "May he rest in peace."

Well then they flip back to the news anchor lady and she said "Obama-" and as soon as I heard that I went "OMG MOOOM WHAT HAPPENED TO OBAMA?!" and had a heart attack until the lady finished her sentence "Obama will be in the White House...yadda...yadda yadda...."

So I was basically like "Oooooooooh....never mind!" =)

I wore my hobo gloves to school today, many people liked them.

Mr. O'brian told people that they he didn't like it when you sat down and slept on your desk or did whatever while they were saying the pledge on the announcements in the morning.

I won't name names....

Anyways, he told them that you should at least show respect for the country that you're so lucky to live in and at least stand up, you don't need to pledge to anything, which is what I tell the asses that sit in their seats all the time.

Then one kid was all "well what if I don't want to say 'under god' I don't believe in hiiiim naaaaaaaah."

I'm not gonna like I really wanted to belt him then and there. But I didn't.

Self control, remember?

Heh...JJ says I need anger management. =p

Anyways, for one, was he not listening when Mr. O'brian said that they didn't have to say the pledge, just stand up?? Jeezums.

Well, thank goodness for Robin Williams who made up a new pledge for them. It goes like this:

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States Of America
And to the republic for which it stands
One Nation
Under Canada
Above Mexico
With liberty and justice for all


But of course, then you'll get people complaining about the Mexicans.


Also, today in physics Mr. O'brian explained how he was going to re-play the video that we watched Friday because we were going to have a quiz on it today and he didn't think we would remember the stuff from the video- or was even paying attention.

Well, halfway into the video some of the dumb-dumbs in the class got this really puzzled look on their face and started whispering to each other "D...didn't we see this before? Like...yesterday- I mean last week? Yeah, I remember this part...why are we watching this again...?"

I know, wow.

Isn't it great that they'll be helping to run the country one day?!

Now, part 2 of my interesting morning.

In 3rd period I was piratically molested.


Ya know Anthony Tiptin? Well I was sitting on the bleachers talking to Julia and he started poking me in the side (strangely how Zak used to...and he's his friend...*cough*) and I told him to stop since as you all know, I'm rather ticklish.

Well I guess he thought that since he couldn't poke me he'd try to reach down my shirt, and then pants, and THEN drag me onto his lap.

Kinda like what Zak would try to do....*cough**cough*

If I didn't want to get suspended for 'fighting' I would have showed his nose up his brains, and if that failed, at least cause him to lose a few teeth.

Its not like it hurts that bad...remember in 4th grade when Johnathon Secular (guessing on the spelling of his last name there) punched me in the face because I said no when he asked me out and I lost 3 teeth?!

He got anger management and I got money from the tooth fairy. =p

Spanish class was okay, need to study for the speaking test though.

History took notes, and then talked to Mr. Johansson about how were were going to convert all the video files onto my laptop.

My mom says I can stay after school though. =)

It'd be like a party! =o


Art Cyrus and I went on an adventure around the school. We just left class early, everyone had cleaned up anyways.

English failed yet another reading test.

I read Moby Dick today though, so no worries on the next one.

Got home, and took a nap until dinner.

I was planning on working out but it wouldn't fit into the weekly schedule (since I work out every other day 3 times a week) and I was so tired.

Dinner I told my mom and dad about my blonde moment and they started getting into a political debate and screaming.

They still are screaming.

Which pisses me off because I was rushing through my homework so I could escape upstairs and I completely fucked up on my math homework and history map.

The math homework I fixed, I'll have to get another map and re-color it during history tomorrow. I answered all the questions at least.

Wireless Internet Wednesday...just 2 more days...then I can be in my nice comfy bed upstairs where it's quote and I can actually study...

There's always a bring side right?

Heh...JJ's one friend gave him his PSP because he got an XBOX 360 and his one friend also has Grand Theft Auto for the PSP.

While I was sitting with JJ in the lazy boy chair (yes we both amazingly still fit in it) he had the volume full blast and was trying to beat up a druggie and the druggie guy was swearing. My mom was waling by and she said "I don't' appreciate that language...." and I yelled "JJ TALK TO THE HOOKER!" and then my mom was like "MAKE SURE SHE DOESN'T RIP YOU OFF!"

So swearing is bad but hookers are okay.

I love my mom. =)

I need to get working on my Valley Voyages tomorrow...and find out something about Iraq or whatnot. I'll have to re-read the post of the VV blog again...although the same one is on Mr. Johansson's blog....Ah, the power of copy and paste.

I read my history book and started the extra credit stuff today at least!

I hope I didn't need to put the answers on a separate sheet of paper....

I guess I'll find out tomorrow. =p

I wonder what's gonna happen tomorrow in PE...



Zhanna said...

o gosh ur hilarious. i pledge alligince

Jackie said...

lol I love the robin williams thing.