Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A little poem for you...

Didn't have enough money for a snow cone
So I took a little walk in the park
Then I found my very own free snow cone
I call it Lemon Tart.

Heh...I made that up last year.

Cute huh? =p

Mrs. Sherry drove us to school in the morning to make sure we got there safe and on time, but had to take off the rest of the day because she's sick. She say's no matter what she's going to be back tomorrow, sick or not.

I'm gonna make her a get well card. =)

Physics we're reviewing a little on the atom. Ya know, the whole protons, neutrons, and electrons gig? reminded me of the time my dad told my brother an atom was made up of protons, neutrons, and croutons....

PE Julia and I didn't really have any games so I decided to be on Cynthia's team for while. Then Julia joined in with us so I decided to go to the dark side and even up battle field.

It was like Badminton WW3 I swear.

History class was fun!

Everyone had to decode the Zimmerman message, which was the one that my mom and I cracked....last week I think...?

Well anyways, since I had already cracked it, me and my little band of minions (Caramel and Sam =p) got tickets for the raffle (THANK YOU MR. JOHANSSON!).

Since we had already decoded it Mr. Johansson gave us a new challenge, MAKE our own coded message.

We couldn't do it but it was sure in hell fun trying to come up with a message.

Mr. J said to make in uncrackable so in the end we were gonna just write a bunch of letters down and a messed up key.

It sure in hell would have been uncrackable then. =p

Art Cyrus asked me if I wanted to go with him and see Quantum of a Solace on Saturday. I said yes, and we're gonna be going in the afternoon so if any of you guys are planning anything and want little old me there plan it in the evening?

And if you plan it without me there, save me some crack ballz!

(For the adults and other readers to this blog, no it's not real crack, they're just balls of white chocolate and stuff, jeez...=p)

English class Mrs. Newcomer was selling heaven, and when I say heaven, I mean chocolate bars.

I bought one for me and one for my mom. =)

Forgot my jacket in my locker today...whoops, but, it didn't feel all that cold outside. I would I liked my jacket, but I could deal a half hour without it.

On the way home was thinking for music for the promo video for Valley Voyages. Mom gave me a great idea for a little something in it too.

So, it's Valley Voyages, and in the vid, while I'm changing clips from like, the bike trip to the Akron trip, I'll make a little map thing and have little dotted lines move in a path to the next place on a map of Ohio like a VOYAGE!

Like they did in Indiana Jones. =p

I dunno I like it, hope I'm able to do it.

Music is kinda iffy, thinking of making the vid short, get the basic point out about how it's a great way for kids to learn, better themselves, become leaders, and also inspire others around them to learn.

Also how it's fun and freaking rocks.


There are some song's by Muse that I like, but the lyrics don't exactly match the topic...thing is, does that completely matter?


I'm open for music suggestions. =)

I need to finish that history journal...or should I say start it.

Gotta scrounge up 20 bucks, 10 for coach's gift, and 10 for his daughter's gift that we're all pitching in to buy.

Meh...that's a lot of money...

As soon as I got home mom and I had to go to Sam's Club. Tee hee...they had a big box of pillow there so I ran and jumped into them!


I'm not 15, I'm more like 5. =p

My mom was all excited when this old man thought her and I were sisters. =)

JJ was sick again today, so we picked up McDonalds to brighten up his day.

Once I got home I tried to figure out how to do the text on my video maker, before going to the site where I downloaded it and discovered they had a newer, better, easier version out!

Now I got it pretty much figured out, and there are so many cool transitions and texts and effects!!!

Friday Devvy Chan is riding my bus home and we're going to go see Twilight!

We ordered the tickets today!!

So excited.

Mom is sick right now...dammit I hate the weather.

She's gonna be bad tomorrow night too I know it, the temperature is gonna drop 10 degrease once it turns dark, and that's more than enough to set off another migraine.

And now I'm growling at my window.

Devvy chan I think you're wearing off of me a bit, with the whole growing thing. =p

Well, gotta finish math homework and make a card, nighty night guys!


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