Thursday, May 8, 2008


Lookie, new template. Bluuuuuuuuuuuuue!

Let's see...things from yesterday that happened after I posted...

At 7:30 I went downstairs to work out like my dad said but dad wasn't there. So I did a quick workout, and then raced up to take a shower. After the shower I even had time to give my room a quick clean up and put away the laundry. Ghost Hunters wasn't on, in stead this really fake show called Children of the Grave was. While half watching that I organized Melvin and I finished! YES!

That's pretty much it.

Movie in history. In PE we played a basket ball game to see who can make the most shots. Our ball sucked, you couldn't even dribble it. Couldn't the PE teachers at least get off their asses and actually BE a PE teacher and fill up the basket balls?? Jeez...

Bio did homework and finished it. Keyboarding finished stuff. Lunch, was the last dunker day...sadly...I like Italian Dunkers...

Study hall I actually got my math homework done, math easy quiz, eng we talked.

That's pretty much it. It's raining and all seems good. I think my 3 day depression is over...I hope. Me tired now. I'm gonna watch mysteries skin.

Oh yeah, new song too!


1 comment:

rachel said...

yay, new template!


i dont really get that movie in history.

i liked the italian dunkers too. but i was feeling sick today =p
