Friday, May 9, 2008

It's Friday (no duh)

went to a place called Luiges for pizza, rated the best in Akron for a few years. It was pretty nice.

Methinks my feelings for Zak have changed now, I'm not so confuzzled over him anymore. We talked and stuff and now everything is cool. I guess he just needed to say some things is all.

In about 20 minutes he's coming over and bringing some scary movies for us to watch, can't wait!

Oh, something kinda funny happened about a half hour ago:

Me: I'm going to go take a shower
mom: you're hair won't dry in time if you do
Me: I know, I'm only washing my body and stuff cuz I smell sweaty from running around in the backyard
Mom: like a whore bath huh?
Me: Isn't that where you just was your hair in the sink?
Mom: No it where you wash your privates at the sink
Me: oh...well one I'm using a shower, and two I'm washing my whole body
Mom: *shrugs*
Me: *takes shower*
Me: *coming down the steps*
JJ (on the phone): No Ashley isn't here she's taking a whore bath
Me: *thinking Zak is on the other end*: I'LL KILL YOU!!! *attacks* *gets phone* I wasn't taking one!
Grandma: heh heh I know dear
Me: -_-
dad (who was there when jj said that): *looks at me funny*
dad: *shrugs and goes outside*

heh, thinking back it is kinda funny. =p

Well that's about it. I might be on later to post how tonight went I guess.

I just love this new template....

mmmmm mom is making cookies and brownies....zak can have the cookies and if I'm nice some brownie crumbs lol

But he's your boyfriend, you say huh? Well I'm a woman, and it's chocolate not to mention BROWNIES. Get my point?

Men who are confuzzled ask another woman that loves chocolate.

We should make a time capsule...random....

Zak should be here soon! Gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

glee? wtf...

ds;lkfjads;lkfhdskuifhiawulfdskjhf <------ Hammy Says Hi

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That's a bunny =P

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