Thursday, May 15, 2008

Happy Burday Ryan!!

A postie title dedicated to you! O~-~~- (that's supposed to be a balloon...) =D

PE we ran around the track today. Before hand however, Cortney Cole fainted (big surprise there) and Dev was feeling faint. She looked really pale, I worried sick about her all day. I wanted to text her but I thought she should rest.

Anyways, so we ran the track. I ran half a quarter mile, which starts off and the turn and then all the way to the end of the straight-away. I paced myself around the turn and then half way at the straight and then reved it up and passed 3 people. Then I ran the whole straight-away for the next thing.

Bio Mrs. May made us rice krispies! They were yummy and a good thing to have after running the track. Speaking of bio, I need to finish my notes.



Nothing else really happened today at school. Oh, I got our 'family tree', I'm gonna show it to my dad xD then photo copy it.

I called Devvy and told her I was going to her house to bring her some soup and brownies to make her feel better. Turns out it was just low blood sugar, but that's okay! Then after that I went to hit balls and Shawnee Hills. That's were my day was made.


So I'm hitting golf balls, and I'm doing pretty well with my irons and the ball is going straight, high, and long. Then I get to my 6 iron, and the ball goes low (like grass low...) to the left or right, and short... I kept trying and getting pissed because I can't figure out what I was going wrong. Later on I'm still whacking with it and this old man walks up to me and goes "Hey sweetie" and the first thing that comes to my mind is: creepy old guy flirting with me...ew. But then he goes: "You're standing too close to the ball, trying stepping back, kinda reach." *in mine 'phew'* So I go okay and it works and I hit great after that. I thanked him for his advice when I left and THEN as I'm putting my clubs in the trunk this guy in the other car next to us turns and goes "Excuse me, how long have you been golfing?" I say since i was 8 and he smiles and goes "Well I'd just like to say your swing is beautiful, it could really take you places!"


It really gave me a lot of confidence too as a golfer ya know? Not just the complement, but the fact that they're coming from people that must really mean what they say since they don't know me.

After that we went to Mc Donalds and then home. I watched a little CSI, cleaned my room while jammin to my music, then told my day about the range. He seemed really proud of me.

Well...I should do bio notes now...then I'll go on youtube! =)

ily guys!

Happy Burday Ryan again! hard to believe, honest. You like chauffeuring?? =p

1 comment:

rachel said...

running around one lap is a quater of a mile. four times around the track is a mile. i think you meant a lap around, not a mile around. that's would be devastating to run so much 0.o