Saturday, February 7, 2009

I Wonder...

Do you think they'd play Unchained Melody by Righteous Brothers at the dance if I request it?

Yeah, I don't think so either...I guess Cyrus and me will have to slow dance to Soulja Boy or something.


Slept in until 12 today. Once again I thought my Dad had died or something for not yelling at me at how late in the day it was.

Worked out and then read some more of The Bell Jar until he came over.

We went and rented Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist and made some popcorn. =D

After that we played hide and seek upstairs.

I hid behind the lazy boy chair and he couldn't find me for a long time. My Dad was sitting in it while I was behind it and Cyrus was like "Um...can I have a clue?"

My Dad only told him I was on the first floor and then he went off into the dining room I think and I heard him go "Could she fit in here...?" and my Dad and I started laughing hysterically. =p

That's about it.

Golf tomorrow and stuffs.

Hmmm...I'm feelin' like eating a Klondike Bar right now...




Sethna said...

Raar. You make fun of me.

Jackie said...

LOL. Hide and Seek. I love it. I was gonna say that we should play that friday, but I'm not sure there's enough places to hide in my house.

You should request that song! If they don't play it then they're stupid. >=|