Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I drove home... =x



First we went to the play to take the test, and mom couldn't find how to get into the parking lot, so I told her they're also testing the old people by doing this too. =p

Finally parked, and then went inside and I was really scared because we were seriously the only white people in there and everyone was staring at my mom and I like they were going to kill us...

Went up to the desk and the man asked me to stand on this red line and he took my picture, before asking me to look into this thing to test my vision.

Then he started asking me questions. The 1st one was:

Have you ever had you license suspended before in this or any other state?

And I didn't answer fast, I actually kinda just started at him with this blank look on my face thinking "What the fuck I don't even have my license."

My Mom then said no, and the man half shouted "YOU CAN'T ANSWER FOR HER!" and then looked at me again.

Then he asked me if I had any medical or mental condition that would prevent me from driving. I was going to asked him if being blonde counted but he looked really mean and grumpy so I just said no...

The test was on a TOUCH SCREEN. I was so happy. Until I missed the first question. Then I was sad. IT WAS SO STUPID!!

It asked me what type of vehicles had to stop at railroad tracks.

and the choices were:

A. All vehicles

B. Public transportation

C. Cars

D. Vehicles carrying anything flammable or explosive

So, I thought back to my golf trips, and how in the van Coach had to stop and pull down the window and listen. So I picked B. The answer was D.


I passed though... =D

When I was done with my test, I went and sat down next to my mom in the seats. Two seats away was a woman, and then she had her purse set down on the seat next to her, and then their was my seat. My hand was close to her purse, but that didn't really matter to me until suddenly...I felt my hand getting very wet.



They were adorable! ^-^

Got my license and they took my picture. After they did that, I had to sign on those little electric EPad things. I didn't really put together that what I signed on there would be my signature on my temps.

So now at the bottom of my temps it says in horrible cursive: Ashly Cost

and then after that it's a bunch of scribbles because I couldn't fit the rest of my name. =p

Mom didn't let me drive until we got to some familiar territory, then I had to drive to my Grammy's to pick up something.

I was holding the wheel so hard my knuckles were white. o.o

While I was driving on Boydan (I'm really sure that's not how the street name is spelled...but I don't care...), which is 25, I was doing 30. Everything was going fine when all of a sudden, this old guy pulls out and starts riding my ass.


I mean...normally it's the other way around...

But anyways, in the end, I just drove slower to piss him off and once we got to the intersection (I was going straight, he was making a left) he gave me this really evil glare and sped off.


Mad it to Grammy's in once piece...although I made to fast of a turn turning into her street and most of the time Mom could have delivered the mail because I was so paranoid about hitting the on coming traffic so I was driving close to the shoulder...

When I shut the car off in my Grammy's driveway I nearly pissed myself. =p

Then I had to drive BACK.

It was better...until I got to my driveway.

Yes, my drive way.

No, I didn't hit my dad's reflectors, if I did, I would be dead.

What did happen though was when I turned into my driveway I suddenly see this huge white truck in front of me.

I screamed "THIS WASN'T ON THE TEST!" then slammed on my breaks. Turns out the roofing people came to the house today...


Then that was it. I ate spaghetti for dinner and worked on my English paper rough draft from 6-9.

Ugh...it's so half ass...I didn't even write the conclusion paragraph...

Oh well.

Now I will go say hi to my Dad and then go to bed!



Sami! said...

LOL you poor thing.
I kind of enjoy pissing people off when they ass-ride.

congrats! and don't worry, when I first got mine, my mom said her ass was on the white line ^_^

Jackie said...


I love it.

OH. And I beat you Cyrus.

Better luck next time!!

Sethna said...

Well, Jackie, this doesn't actually count... because I read it first. I was just formulating my comment..

