Tuesday, February 10, 2009

If You Cut Me I Suppose I Would Bleed the Colors of the Evening Stars

I'm addicted to Owl City right now. =p

Had the scheduling classes yesterday.

Methinks I will take honors Gov. and Econ (and yes they have it, it says it on the purple sheet).

I dunno. Jess says it's easy, mostly just lecture, take notes, then test, then more lecture, then more notes, then another test. Peaches says to go into honors too.

Thinking of going into Honors Chemistry. I dunno why I haven't been taking honors science classes, I'm good at science if I actually pay attention and apply myself. Something I'm starting to do in physics.

Know I'm dropping down to regular English again. Just can't do honors. I've always had A+'s in English since 1st grade. But I just can't do honors English. Either that, or I just can't do Newcomer's class.

Her tests are so stupid and such a bitch...

Also, I hate vocabulary. I've never remembered a single word we're learn and I normally fail the vocab. tests because I either forget to do them, or fall asleep as I study.

And who the fuck needs to write how you pronounce it with the little accent things or whatever you call them?


Going to take web page design next year. Was gonna take it this year but you all know what happened.

Hope I make it to Spanish 2...

Can't wait for the City Reads thing. Get more of The Bell Jar read. I like reading anyways.

Talked to Billy for the first time in ages yesterday, it was nice. =)

Got home, and had a headache to I took an Advil and slept from 3:30-5:30. Got up, ate dinner, did all my other homework and then watched Hero's with my Dad.

Was too tired to do the essay questions, which didn't matter anyways since the test today didn't have an essay.

Study hall today was fun.

The lady at the guidance desk handed us about 10 passes. I went "Oh my gosh, it's a pass explosion!" and she chuckled and was like "Wow, you're funny." =p

I made up a game with the passes too! You shuffle them, and pick them out, and then you add up the room numbers. Whoever has the lowest sum wins!


Today marks the day of Cy and I being together for 2 months now. =)

There was a paragraph from the Grapes of Wrath on the history test. While I was reading it I was thinking "Why does this seem so familiar..." Then I saw the author and book title. =p

Abused Cyrus in art today. If his arm bruises I'm gonna laugh. =p

English was awesome.

Newcomer was in the classroom for only 5 minutes before she left to help peeps in the library. Max hid in her little closet thing and Jimmy smoked him out with Axe. Then we balled up one of Ellie's gloves and threw it around and played girls vs. boys pickle in the middle.

I made some good blocks. =p

Max, Vadict, and Jimmy roughed around a bit and hit and tackled each other. It was funny. =p

Then Max hid in the closet again and when Newcomer came back, she couldn't find him in it and he walked out right before she locked it. =p

The bell rang, and I ran into Carlos and hugged him. I miss giving Carlos hugs. =/

Talked to Mike for the first time in ages as well.

Beat Greg on the big 2 days in a row now!

Devvy chan's mom finally got the info to us this afternoon so Devvy chan will be sleeping over my house from tomorrow until Monday while her mom and mom's ex husband and now boyfriend again go on vacation.

Cleaned the guestroom out, did my physics and Spanish. Will do English tomorrow.

Now to catch up on youtube vids.



Sethna said...

1) yay!
2) Fuck you
3) Please, please, please don't let Newcomer scare you away. She's a nutcase wacko who makes a travesty of english 10 honors. She is really, really not deserving of teaching it. You're in for countless literary enlightenment and enjoyment if you just stick with it! You're right about it just being her class!

4) You lose the game.

Thank you for playing.

Jackie said...

I forgot the Bell Jar at home for the city reads thing! I was so mad. So I had to read her poetry instead. XP