Friday, December 5, 2008

Teddy Bears, Seizure Man, Popcorn, and Puppies

Epic physics lab today.

Mr. O'Brien brought out this little teddy bear named Wendell!!!

Wendell is such an awesome name.


Anyways, after demonstrating newtons law of motion using Wendell, Mr. O'Brien demonstrated inertia by lighting a candle and placing the candle and a bunch of fine China on this table cloth, and swishing it out from underneath it.

I must say though, the experiment with the blow torch was better, even if Mr. O'Brien wouldn't let me touch it. =p

When I walked into math class today I discovered that the huge beanie back chair was gone!

Apparently the owner came back and retrieved it.


Got a 55/50 on that WWI Essay.

I have to say it...

fuck yeah.

I'm showing it to EVERYBODY. =D

During my art period today I signed out a pass to go to my locker. On the way there I was passing the cafe when suddenly the smell of popcorn hit my nose.

I said to myself "I smell popcorn" and the teacher turned around and went "You sure do! Want some?!"

So I got free popcorn. =)


Guess who I saw today.

Seizure Man!!!

I haven't seen him since PE last year when Ed and I gave him that nickname!!

I had to use every ounce of strength in me not to run up and hug him.


At at Pat Dee's for this pizza night.

We brought JJ's friend Steven along with us. I love that little guy. =p

When we dropped him off, we all went inside his house because we knew he had an early Christmas surprise waiting for him.

It was a puppy!


You should have seen the look on his face. He was all like O.O

They named the puppy Elli.


Friday night here at the Costello's which means Dad's buddies come over for pool and beer.

I might try Mr. Grayson at a game.



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