Sunday, December 7, 2008

From Big Balls To Little Balls

Okay, now lets be honest here...

How many of your minds were in the gutter when you read the postie title?


Went bowling today with Andy, Devvy Chan, Peaches, and Ryan.

Peaches was late of course. =p

Cyrus couldn't come because his parents said he had to decorate the tree...which they ended up doing at 7:30...


My Dad was lecturing me in the car "Well maybe his dad just doesn't want him dating a sophomore, ever think about that?! Huh? HUh! HUH?!"

Which he's really saying "Ashley, I don't want you dating a senior."

And I mean come on, I just think it's because his dad is against blonds, it happens. =p

But I digress.

It was bowling with Santa today so I gave the jolly man a hug.

Bowled an okay game, it's not like I'm some great bowler or anything.

Heh...the Santa guy tapped Peaches on the shoulder and was like "Did YOU get your picture taken with Santa??" *wink wink* then walked away.

And then I got this sudden urge to jump tackle him.


After bowling I had a golf lesson with the team. Although only Gina, Megan, Mya, and her sister were there.

Rebeca had to work I bet or something and I dunno where Ashley O was.

Ross said I did well though! =D

Got home, worked out, will do VV journal tomorrow.

But for now...I'm grabbing a honey bun. =)



Sethna said...

I didn't think about the reference to male genitalia until YOU mentioned it.

Alphie said...

Oh suuuuuure ;)