Saturday, December 13, 2008

I'm Telling You This Right Now...

Snowflakes up the nose?

Not. Cool.

Ah, so much to blog today...where to begin...

Had a late start today. I turned my alarm clock off, but my electric blanket was so warm...and it was so I thought to myself "Oh, I'll just close my eyes for 5 more minutes!" Well, I slept it for 10, which I really can't do, so I was kinda rushing.

I think Mr. OB was very amazed that I actually participated in physics today.

When he saw I had my hand up I swear his eyes went like this O.O and he basically shouted "You!"


Math test today, think I did rather well. *knocks on wood*

Point Break today in PE. I hit that Brook girl in the face. >=)

During lunch today Peaches, Devvy Chan, and I were discussing how annoying it is what guys were there pants below their waist and show the boxers and stuff. So we came up with the idea of getting a huge group of girls to support our cause, and on some random day, we'd all dress with our bra's on the outside of our clothes. =)

The NORDONIA Boxer Rebellion.

Boo yah.

Oh, and in Spanish today, we had a sub.

I didn't even know that could happen!!

(In a, she's always here and there never seemed to be a chance that she would be absent kinda way...) (yeah...).


Oh, I have a new phrase now!

Great Googalymoogaly. (goo-gah-lee-moo-gah-lee).

It was from some old TV had a dinosaur in it with polka dots...


So, most of you all know Greg, right?

He's like, one of the special kids, but he's allowed to be in regular classes with people sometimes. He's a really nice guy. =)

Anyways, I started this game with him, and it was that one day I would beat him on the bus. And for the past 3 weeks when I'd come on late I'd say "One day..." and he would be all "salkfjhalskhfd" and smile and like, hug himself.


Well, today, I wasn't even planning on it either, I just walked on the bus and all of a sudden he stepped up behind me!

So I turned around and went "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!!" jumped in his seat, and then flipped over the top of it into my own.


Mrs. Sherry and Greg were laughing so hard. =p

Oh, when our bus was waiting at the intersection Devvy Chan's pulled up next to it and I saw here. We started waving and smiling at each other and doing stupid weird stuff that probably made the people around us raise and eyebrow.

Piish, we were having fun. =p

Got home, watched CSI Vegas, and Dad brought home the pizza since it's pizza night.

Started snowing later on too.

Have you ever noticed...that so far, the only time it really snows is on the weekend?

I mean come on, can we at least have one chance for a snow day?!


Oh yeah, got my school pictures today, this is the first time that I actually like them. Whoo hoo!

For the remainder of my night I went over to the Cyrus house. When he came to pick me up my Dad showed off the basement (since he did most of the work finishing it himself).

I remember, one time, my Dad showed the PIZZA DILVERY GUY our basement.


Anyways, we watched part of the movie Showtime.

His six year old litter brother came down (Daryus?...I will learn how to spell it...promise...) and said he wanted to sit next to his girlfriend.

So I guess I have two dates now, a 17 year old and a 6 year old.

I feel like such a pedophile.



This group of prank calling, giggling girls left 3 messages on my phone. None of which I could understand, so I turned it off.


In the end had a really fun night though. =)

Going to the Point Break tournament tomorrow with Cyrus.

Might hang with him after, he invited me back although he had to baby sit, but I said I didn't mind.

As soon as he went to bed I thought about how he should ask his parents, just in case.


I'll text him tomorrow.

Well it's....12:33 right now, I think I'll end this post and go to bed.


Posted up another youtube vid on my account (there was supposed to be 2 but something went wrong, shall fix tomorrow).

Here it is.

Nah, just kidding, it's really here.

Or is it...?



I so wanna do that...




Sethna said...

I had a good time with the tags.

Jackie said...

XD the pizza guy got to see your basement.

Jason said...

d00d. I know what im getting you for Christmas. :)

Jason said...

d00d. I know what im getting you for Christmas. :)