Monday, December 22, 2008

CONTEST- Part 1: The Task

So, to fight off my boredom I propose....a contest!!

Your task:

Find the most fucked up video you can on youtube.

Like, the person had to be on some serious drugs to make it.

Your prize?


whole dollar.


Come on now, you're competing for some serious cash here!

Each competitor can only post 1 video.

You will post up the link to the video in the comments section of this blog post.

If you post up the link in any other post, the video will not be counted.

You cannot post the same video as someone else.

If you have, the person who posted up their video first will be counted.

Winner will be picked by me.

The contest will end on the 29th at midnight (one week from today) and the winners will be announced shortly after.

Need some ideas for a video?

Now, good luck.



Sethna said...

I win.

Zhanna said...

nope i win

(the guy in the video goes to my school lol)

Sami! said...

does it have to be off youtube?

Zhanna said...

damn i found another video