Saturday, December 6, 2008

Favorite Winter Smell

I think I will make the above postie title a poll.

My favorite winter smell would be the smell of logs burning on a fire. =)

Had a good day today.

Saw someone place a log on the fire on the fireplace channel. Which means I get good luck for the rest of the day! =D

Hung out with Cyrus today.

We were gonna go bowling but they were all like "Oooooh well it's not 'prime time' yet, so come back when we can't give you a lane."

Okay, so they didn't come out at say that but ya know.

So we dicided to go to Peppers and get Egg Nog and I ran into Peaches there! =D

After we made our purchase we hung out at the Lee Eaton playground and I tried some and liked it so that was good.

We drove around a bit before coming back to my house to enjoy the fire.

My Dad then got into a political debate with Cyrus, which, since I'm not good with politics, led me to become a third party.

So I talked with Hamilton. =p

Then Cyrus left, we gave lots of hugs, and said how much we liked each other and then he left.

He'll be bowling with us tomorrow!!! =D

So now you all really get to meet him!


I feel bad for Andy since Cyrus and I are bad bowlers and Andy is on the bowling team and all.

Maybe he can give us some pointers to improve our lack of skillz. =p

Well, gonna hang out online before goin to bed.

Will post up that poll.

It will be above all the quiz results I posted up today.

I'm sure you'll find the one very interesting.



1 comment:

Sethna said...


Sorry about the politics with Daddy Costello. Politics is sort of second nature to me as you know.

I was leaning towards sugarbush, but i dunno, Lee Eaton seemed to strike your fancy :D.

Bowling, bowling, bowling. Terribly sorry about that. I really, really wanted to come. But the parents were like "oh, we're decorating the tree today, right now, this very instant". Well, we didn't. They took a nap. And we just now, at 7:30, finished decorating aforementioned tree. I'm rather irked.

I swear it was only two or three hugs at most.