Monday, December 8, 2008

I Think...

I will change my seat in history tomorrow, in fear that if I don't I will one day shove my foot so far up Sarah L's ass that she won't be able to sit for the rest of her slutty little life if ad when she pulls another stunt like she did today.


The 1st part of the test I think I did well on, didn't seem to have too many problems. *knock on wood*

Found it hard to collect my thoughts for the essay portion, I kept having to erase. I mean, I knew the answers to the question's but I couldn't organize him.

Of course, you can blame my decision for not sleeping last night, even though I had a fine time focusing in all my other classes, but I can also argue the fact that I seemed to be easily distracted by Sarah 1 kicking my desk, and drumming her fingers, and all three of them bickering, and whispering and laughing and doing whatever other nonsense.


There really isn't any use of complaining though, the test is already done.

I think I'm going to apologize to Cyrus for my sour mood during art today. =/

Stayed after school to take my Spanish test, and guess who was there...Ariel.


I was nice to her though since, she really hasn't wronged me in anyway, I just can't stand her.

And since I give up on giving her the message that I don't want to hang out with her anymore, she doesn't seem to get it.

Dozed off on the couch for a few hours before starting my homework.

Finished now, talking with Cyrus, my violent mood has seemed calm down.


Got lots of hugs today!!!



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