Wednesday, December 17, 2008


A child's 12 year old mind annoys me.

So JJ was talking to me about Cyrus and how he's "not a Zak" (XD). While he was I was also trying to study for my history test, which was why I was swearing...but anyways were were talking and this is how it turned out:

JJ: and Cyrus isn't really tall like Zak is
me: yeah, it's a lot easier to do shit with him than Zak
me: NOT THAT TYPE OF SHIT! *throws stuffed animal at his face*

(By the way, the 'shit' equals fun adventures that I enjoy going on with Cy and holding hands and such, since in a way it sounds negatively put in the conversation...I was just annoyed at JJ bothering me.)


PE we did a basket ball relay.

I suck at basket ball but Lardell was like "GREAT SHOT!" for one of them. =D

Lunch there was a midget parade!!! I felt so tall!!!


Apparently it was a bunch of 4th grades for their little recorder concert.

Rest of school I was basically trying to stay awake.

Got my Spanish homework done in English.

As soon as I got home I worked out, finished my math homework, talked to Cyrus, ate dinner and started to study for my history test from 6-8:30.

I procrastinated some. =p

To study I typed up notes on each section of the book.

I realized that I have such a way with words too...

"As the idea of communism became stronger in Russia, it began wafting its way into the US and other nations."

Heh he he...wafting....


That's about it for now, might go and play a little more pool downstairs tonight. I'm getting better. =D



Sethna said...

(08:59:41 PM) Cyrus Sethna: You're awesome.

Jackie said...

LOL to the convo with JJ

dAkBaiK said...
