Monday, December 8, 2008

I Really Should Be Asleep

It is now 1:39 on this lovely Sunday night.

I should be asleep but I'm wide awake, many things going through my mind right now.

Ah, I feel a very negatively vibed post coming on, feel free to skip down to the much more happier post about my Sunday under this one blog readers.

There's also a rant that's gonna be in here too...I can feel it...

Attempted to work on the binder for VV, tried to listen to the prowl tours online but it has proven to be impossible to concentrate on. It's so boring to listen to, and each of the prowls are 30-45 minutes long.

I really wish we could have actually gone on the prowl.


Answered most of the other questions in the binder though.

I could write my journal right now, but I dunno what to say. I'm not good with all this industry and businussy stuff. Really all I got is that Cleveland should use the lake front property for things like shops, and hotels and other such things. Many major cities do that, it seems to bring in some business, and might make people want to move there. =/


I asked my Dad for some help, asked him why he thought Cleveland went down and why it's taking us so long to get back up to where we were and stuff.

His answer: Taft.

Well shit, that REALLY helped me, thanks Dad.

*rolls eyes*

This week doesn't seem like it will be a very good week. Getting that creeping feeling of overwhelming on my back.

Which, those of you who knew and remember from last year what that could bring back, although I'm trying my hardest not to let it. Found the object to that childishness and will be giving it to my mother I think.

Cyrus was asking me times he could come over and I told him Tuesday and 7 should be okay but then remembered that I workout then and apparently my mom has an appointment for her arm too, which my dad will be going with her to.


I'm completely free Wednesday though...

Winter break is coming up, started talking to my dad, telling him how our break is like, 15 days and that I would really like to come back for a few and work in the warehouse of offices.

He said that they were cutting back majorly this month and that he doesn't think I can. =/

Apparently one of our big customers, Chick Master Inc. has gone bankrupt. They had so much sales happening around the world and then they just canceled and everything. Not to mention the top sales rep guy was laid off...

It's like someone just turned the water off or something. My dad's best business for the company so far this year was in October and September and then BAM November hit and everything just stopped.

Damn economy.

What I don't get is that, like, we've seen something like this coming for awhile right? So like, how come we failed at preventing this huge slump from happening?


Need to find a way to make money for the holidays and other things.

Thought about shoveling driveways, that would be GREAT for my back huh?

If it were summer I could mow people's lawns...

Was thinking about cleaning my Grammy's and Uncles house's but I dunno...I'd hate to try and scrounge money off of them when they're getting me gifts for the holidays, ya know? =/


I'll think of something...

And if any of you suggest robbing a bank JJ's already beat ya to it. =p

Have to stay after school tomorrow to take that essay test...

Got most of the paragraph planned out in my head though, so that's good.

Unless she changes the topic it's on... O.O

It's 2:14 now...

Dammit why can't things like this happen on a Saturday where I DON'T have school the next day.


Dad's pestering me about Cyrus has really been getting to my head, but in the sense that if Cyrus asks me out and I say yes he would be in a pissed off mood and hate me or something.

Okay, so he wouldn't hate me, he's my dad, but my dad seems to know how to make my life a living hell (along with everyone else in the house).

Dammit, why do fathers always have to be all big, mean, scary, and negative when it come's to boys?!

And yes, Cyrus is 2 years older than me, which in high school can be a very big difference when it comes to social group, and education and such.

And yes, he'll be going away to college.

But for crying out loud he's making more of a fuss over Cyrus than Zak who's only ambition in life was to lay me and leave.

Ah, the irony in this situation. I sometimes laugh at it.

Debating on whether or not I should just give up sleeping and caffeine my way through the day...

Why do I have this suddenly feeling I have a physics test tomorrow...

Oh boy.

Still haven't found my Spanish book...I should check the lost and found.

Now that I'm done with my rambling and rants lets find the brighter side of all of this...

I can get my mother to help me with my Valley Voyages things tomorrow...

There is still a chance I can work for SWACO during winter break...

As for the economy...well, I dunno, everything gets worse before it gets better.

And I guess it's good that my dad cares, and that all of this is his way of trying to protect me as a father.

I could try and cram 3 hours of sleep in...



I guess there aren't only negative things going on in my mind right now. There's friends, a certain someone, snowflakes, and logs on the fire.


Just watch, this will all blow over tomorrow.

Felt good to get it off of my chest though.

I just can't seem to end a post negative now can I?



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