Thursday, October 2, 2008

What's Up Doc?

So yesterday I had golf, but coach didn't tell me I wasn't playing until we were going to the course after breakfast.

Me: What time and I teeing off coach?
Coach: Oooooh, you're not playing today.

Thanks for the information.

It was a shitty day to play golf anyways. With all the rain and wind and cold. I had 5 layers on and I was freezing.

Ashley O wore shorts because "she doesn't like pants" but then of course after playing was saying how her legs turned purple and how she was going to call her mom up in the middle of the round to give her a pair of pants.

It's not like coach told everyone it was going to be rainy and only 55 out.

Oh well.

Followed Gina around with Mrs. Rolback in the cold, rain, and wind for the first 9 holes, then went inside the clubhouse.


Mrs. Rolback reads the Twilight series!!!


(also...I know I'm spelling her name wrong...sorries...)

Anyways, we started discussing the series in detail and it was so cool.

Then we went and warmed up the van for when everyone came in.

Once the scores were added it turns out to get into districts we lost by one stroke (not POINT!)...anyways...we lost by 1 to....Twinsburge. Where the hell did they come from I dunno, but it was their home course after all.

They got in 4th place to go. Bleh. Oh well, I can ride the bus home now!!

Now that golf is over I'm going to start working out again during the winter. Hell maybe I'll start tonight.

Anyways, Uncle picked me up from the school, and took me home. Grammy was there because mom was at the hospital. Turns out they didn't start her surgery until 4:30. It was supposed to start at 12:30, she even got there early.

Turns out (even though the first time she came there and handed them a card saying she had a pacemaker and they snobly told her they didn't need it and also after she told them 500 fucking times) they couldn't start it because they 'didn't know she had a pacemaker'.

So, they had my mom lay on an operating table for how many hours until the guy came in and just said 'it works' then walk out.

And from what my mom tell's me those tables aren't like fully pillows.

So, then they knock her out, stick tubes down he throat and open up her arm. Turns out they were looking in the wrong place the whole time. They thought it was by her wrist, turns out the nerve damage was on a secondary nerve in between her elbow and shoulder and that there was this mass growing around it.

I'm sorry, I hate doctors originally but this just makes me hate them even more.

Didn't really eat much dinner last night, wasn't feeling good.

JJ and Uncle Scott raced on the Wii and Grammy and I talked and watched. We watched Bones together. She liked the show.

I wonder if Mr.Johansson watches Bones....


Devvy Chan called me and told me about her scare, then we talked about boycotting the school lunches and killing Richie Miller.

Then I was really hungry and I had a craving for pizza so my grammy was like "then lets order one!"

Isn't she the best?!

I got cheesy crust...yummy....

Mom didn't come home until 11:30 last night, she looked horrible and was in a bad mood. But who wouldn't be after surgery?

Well, I'm starving now, I'm going to go finish up the last of that pizza.

Also, who's up for boycotting the school lunches?

Until they make a change and lower prices and find a way to get the lines faster we don't buy. Get everyone to pack.

Sound cool?

We should spread the word when we get something more organized.



Anonymous said...

killing Richie Miller.

haha i am there with you girl

rachel said...

i love miss reulbach =p

she has a harry potter poster in her classroom, or she did last year.

i'm deffiently up for boycotting the school. and i already joined devvie in the killing of richie.

see you soon? loves =]

Jackie said...

School lunches are horrible, and so are the lines. But some kids don't have stuff to pack =/