Sunday, October 12, 2008

Valley Voyages

Valley Voyages was freaking awesome!

My mom and I got their early, and we didn't know where to wait because the bus hadn't come yet. We found Justin (blonde one, friend of Tom's, he's at the MT) and asked him where and he wasn't sure either. After making a few illegal moves in the school's parking lot, we ended up back to the front and it was the right place.

Rode to Stan Hywet and talked a little bit about the bike trip on the way. Here's what happens basically:

We all meet down at Peninsula with our bikes and ride a train to Akron. Then we bike back. The trip is about 13 miles (and I believe it's downhill too), and bike rentals are free. Although, the less people that rent bikes, the more Vally Voyages gets to use their money to go on fun trips, so please try and find a bike!

Thank you. =)

Anyways, when we got to Stan Hywet Mr. Johansson and Mr. Testa handed out camera's, this one to be exact, and digital recorders. We took the Nook's and Crannies Tour which mainly was shown around where the servants worked and slept. After that we ate lunch, and then we got to go on a self guided tour around the main house.

It was better than I remembered. I took Tom and Justin with me. =p

Once that was done, we all gathered back up in the bus to go to Hale Farm. I'd never been to there, so I was excited.

Instead of taking pictures Mr. Johansson gave me the video camera!! I felt so cool. Hope I got some pretty good shots and stuff.... o.o

Oh oh oh! I got to crack corn, and I don't care! =p

A demon cow almost bit me too...then again....maybe I shouldn't have tried to pet it....heh heh....

When Jessica, Tom, Justin and I were all done we hung out in the gift shop for a second, bought some drinks, and then waited under the big tree for the others to come back.

Returned the video camera back, and then we all were given our journal entry for the trip.

When we got back to the school, it was ice cream time! =D

Cyrus dropped his friend off, and then his sister off, and then we went to Handles. When we finished our ice cream he took me back to his house and we hung out in his basement (and I know what you guys are thinking so shut up). I felt honored that he attempted to show me how to play the Ukulele. I can't play it. =p

Drove back to my house and we invited him to go see the movie Religulous. It was so funny and logical. I really like Bill Maher. =)

Heh, watch the two vids about it:


CBS Video

Mom says she's gonna buy it when it comes out on DVD. =D

Well that was about it. Dropped Cyrus off at my house so he could drive home, then I went with my mom and drove my Grammy home. She got my Arby's too. =D

Dad yelled at me about how I didn't want to go boating tomorrow because I told him I had a paper to write, and that it seemed pointless because the water would be how many degrees and I wouldn't be swimming in it.


Oh and to Erin, I don't hate Max, and I don't hate you. I was just pissed at the way both Ryan and him were at the game is all. It was nice for Max to defend you after hearing a lot of insults from Ryan, it's just that wasn't the way to handle it. I am glad to get an apology from Max of his ridiculous actions, and I am hoping to get one from Ryan for making uncalled comments and being rude to one of my friends.

Well, that's about it. Now to get started on that pamphlet.


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