Sunday, March 15, 2009

Warm Weather

Today I went with JJ and Mom to the IX center. We went to see the train thing.

What was funny though was that there was a motorcycle swap meet going on as well, so there were a bunch of Hells Angles walking around too. =p

It was like this as we were walking: huge tattooed people, little kids, big dude in leather, little dude picking his nose.

I got to drive home. It was awesome. 4 lanes of not so heavy traffic. I did really well too. Kept it around 70-75, looked in my mirrors, changed lanes with perfection, didn't crash.

I got stuck behind this old dude doing 65 though...very exit was coming close too but I was so tempted to pass him...

Went to CVS after that and got a new folder! This one is plastic, so it should last more than a month.

Finished my math homework, and looked over my Spanish notes before going onto Study Island and finishing the tests for Social Studies.

OMG and I'm just looking at my twitter right now and kawiinot just typed the best twitter/haiku this week:

kawaiinot-Kawaiiku #137: bulbous tulips spurt/the daffodils grow erect/penises of spring #haiku

It's brilliant, no?

Got to go hit golf balls...OUTSIDE.

Dad and I loaded my clubs in the back and I got to drive to Shawnee Golf Course.

There were only 3 other people there. One guy was leaving. He asked my Dad how I played but I was actually getting my golf shoes on. =p

Golfers are so nosy. =p

I hit well until I started slicing the ball...then I let my anger get the best of me.

I calmed down when I drove home though. Driving seems to calm me down a lot.

Also, this shirt is so me.

OGT tomorrow. Reading, isn't it?


1 comment:

Sethna said...

A travesty of the haiku.

Good luck with the folder! :)

Nice to hear that you fit in at the train thingy.

65, oh no. Actually going the legal speed limit. Shame shame shame.