Thursday, March 12, 2009

Can You Say...

Toy boat five times fast?


Yeah, I didn't think so.

School was, alright I guess. Last day for OGT review and prep tomorrow, I'm sure some of my teachers are freaking out.

Spanish was fun today, don't ask me why, it just was. I like speaking in Spanish! =D

History class Mr. J got some big laughs telling us about his old job and shopping at Abercrombie and Hollister.

I've only been in Abercrombie, so I'm glad I was warned about Hollister.

I'm more of a Hot Topic kinda girl anyways. =p

(I wish their stuff wasn't so pricey though! =o)

After school Cyrus and I went to Stan's Bakery and got 3 Dutch Chocolate Fudge cookies (the 3rd one was for JJ). They were soooo good. We ate them in the cometary, and I said hellos to my Grandpa and everyone else that's related to me buried there (I'm guessing half the cemetery??).

Cyrus and I spotted a grave where the person was boring in 1877. I thought that was cool. =D

We went to the park next. I climbed on some rocks and then we went on the bridge and looked at the water and I told him so of the adventures I'd been on.

Then we went back and I climbed the Climbing Tree (very creative name, I know) which JJ and I had so named because we always used to climb on it since we were little. =)

I took my shoes off (or should I say slippers) and climbed to the one limb and made faces at Cy. =p

Then we went to the little visitors center and I showed Cyrus around and then the best part came.

We got to feed the birds! =D

I love feeding them, they're all so cute and gentle. I love most dragging people along to freeze for a bit to feed them for the first time in their lives as well. =)

Went to Marcs to get boxes for my mother because we giving away a lot of clothes and she wants them all folded nicely and stuff.

Then Cyrus went home and I took a small half nap, ate dinner, and hung with my Dad for awhile and then came back upstairs to watch The Ring. I'm not finished yet, I just got to the part where the dude is visiting the loony bin.

No scary parts really. I'm going to watch it tomorrow when I get home from school. That way, ya know, it's light out?


I can watch scary movies in the dark...just not's not fun...and I don't want to be scared AND alone. Hugging a pillow only does so much. =p

Will be helping Cyrus babysit tomorrow. I'm excited, I haven't seen the little ones in awhile and I'm sure they'll be excited to see me! =D

That's all for now!

Time for some rest. =)



Sami! said...

Abercrombie is horrribbleee.
it smells so bad omggg.

and oh my sweet jesus OGTs next week?
-throws up-

Sethna said...

I loved feeding the birds!!!

How'd you know it was my first time :o?