Sunday, March 29, 2009


Dad and I hiked today, we went to this really old cemetery. I told him that we'll have to get a tent and camp out there.

What could make it even more awesome?

The fact that the graves are all really old, it's near this cliff, and there's this tree where one of the vines squeaks when it moves so at night it'll freak you out.


Then we went to Best Buy to look at video cameras. Think I found one I really liked.

Hung out on the roof for a bit then came down stairs for dinner to find this:

I was happy from then on until golf. I could only hit for about 30 mins until my hand hurt too much. Ross told me to stop hitting and not to aggravate it anymore.

Then Dad took me home right after.

I was crying in the car until I asked him to pull over so I could drive. The highway calmed me down a bit. There was a ton of rain so I got to learn how to work the wipers and drive on the highway without hydroplaning and shit like that.

My left hand is starting to numb now, so I'm gonna stop typing...


I really love to blog and golf..fucking CT...



Sethna said...

Ashlet darling. Chin up, you'll be better in time for golf in the fall if you just take it easy. It's not permanent.. just be chill.

I'll help in any capacity I can.

Jackie said...


Cyrus is right.
Even if he was first this time.