Sunday, March 8, 2009

I am Typing This Post With One Hand...

Because I'm eating a klondike bar with the other one.


Weekend has been okay I guess.

Fridays warm weather was great but of course it didn't last long.

Woke up to rain.

We took JJ to get his hair cut and while he was being attacked with scissors Dad took me to the park down the road and let me drive his company car. I like it, it drives really nice. =)

Went to Red Robbin for lunch after that, my first time eating there. It was good, I had a cheese burger.

My hand is sticky from the klondike bar... =/

Woke up to more rain. Actually slept till noon today. I forgot about the time change. =p

Watched the Disney version of the Hunchback of Notre Dame on yt and then part of The Ring.

I wanted to watch Mr. Brooks last night but they didn't have it... =/

Golf practice went well. While we were hitting it started raining super hard and it sounded really cool. =p

Cyrus came to visit after work!

He gave me a neck and shoulder massage! ^-^

Took a shower and then came online for a bit. Now I should be off to bed!



Sethna said...

I liked Red Robin. There, past tense. Happy?

Klondike bar Klondike bar.

That Cyrus is a rascal. I've heard he gives nice massages though.

Oh yeah, and Jackie? I beat you.

Jackie said...

I've never been to Red Robin.

D= I haven't had a klondike bar in forever!

Yeah, I've heard of the kid, Cyrus. I hear he's a trouble maker who stays up late on school nights.

Oh yeah, and Cyrus? Be ready for my secret attack. You won't even see it coming. >=D