Tuesday, August 12, 2008

On the Road Again...

So had our first golf tournament Monday. Golfed 18 holes for the first time in my life. It was so slooooooow. When we were waiting on this one hole this girl hit her ball really high up in the air and it hit one of the high tension wires and it exploded! XD

She was allowed to take another stroke without it counting though. =p

Played with Haley from Jackson, and another girl from Copley.

Haley was really nice. She's 5" 1' and her boyfriend is 6" 3', so while waiting on another hole we started talking about the pro's and con's of really tall boyfriends.

I was the champ. of the snacks for bringing Honey Buns to eat on the course for the team! =D

Yesterday I made my first birdie during the tournament!

Today had practice. Learned how to hit my 5 wood. Got A Raisin In The Sun from Rayy, should get to that.

Still haven't finished reading Breaking Dawn. Either been too tired or too busy to.

Going out of town tomorrow!! Youngstown to be exact I believe. Golf match and then tournament Wednesday and Thursday!! So excited!! Coach says after golf we can go out to eat and see a movie!! Eeeep!!!

As you can see I've got a new blogger template. I like it, it's simple and pretty in my opinion. Still gotta add the rest of the widgets in, don't think I'll have time until Friday.

Zak coming over in the evening.

That's about all for now!

Talk to you later loves!


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