Thursday, August 28, 2008


The happy was gone...but now that happy is back! Yayz! In a really good mood today.

Bus came, and Mrs. Sherry let me take my golf clubs on it. I was like, crushed in the seat though. Got at the school 2 minutes before the bell rang. She says she's gonna try a different route tomorrow. The people that sat around me on the bus asked what the 'huge thing' was and I said golf clubs, and they were like 'oh, you golf?"

No man, I just love to carry a heavy golf bag around with me and take it on the bus. I don't golf at all, I just like those shiny clubs ya know?


Physics we got our textbook. The binding is like, backwards though, it's kinda weird. I finally found my old World History bookcover and fit it on there. Heh...I was talking to Andy while going to my locked at the end of the day, and Mr. O'Brien, for those who see him, don't ya think he kinda looks like Einstein?? I mean, sure, no mustache, but he's always got that 5 o'clock shadow goin on, and if you shocked him and made his hair stand up he'd look like him don't ya think??


Geometry went alright, I only got 3/10 on the homework review thing but I understood it when he checked over it in the end. It was like "Oooooooh that's how ya do it, I remember now!" His class is still boring though...sorry coach but it is...

PE was fun. Sat with Zak once the guys came in. The druggie dropouts came over to us though and were like "So, have you guys fucked yet??"


Assholes. They can go fuck themselves.


Anyways, lunch pissed me off the most for today. They opened the doors 5 minutes late and the line took FOREVER. I really only had time to eat my chicken sandwich and a few fries before it rang.

Guys guys! My assistant coach said that if the lines are still slow in the next week, if we get a hell of a lot of people to sign a petition we might be able to get the old system back! Or at least get their attention which is better than nothing!

Barley made it to Spanish class. We went over the alphabet like, 15 times. I still have it memorized from 8th grade.

World History was okay. Mr. Johansson does like, everything on the web man. We even take our tests on it! And he has a blog on blogger too!! Well, like a class blog, but I'll post it up on the links anyways! Check it out!


Art I drew a horse! I didn't know I could draw so well! Heh, I'm gonna tell Zak! =D

English was more kickass than I thought it would be. I talked to Devvy Chan and Elli and we grouped up to do our vocab. I'm gonna get some more of it done so if we do more in class I'll finished it then. No homework on the 4 day weekend in that class at least!

Golf practice was cool. Coach used me as an example because my swing was really well today.

UGH I'm in the Nordonia Sun again! My pic too! I look terrible!!! And don't say I don't cuz I do!


Looking forward to the football game tomorrow. Who all is coming?!


1 comment:

rachel said...

heh, next time someone asks about your golf bag, just pull out a club and go "well, would you like to see how i use them?" then hit them on the head

sorry, i'm cruel, but i thought i t was funny

i hope the new bus route works out good! i wanna be able to see you =]

i have no idea who your teachers really are so... i'll agree =p

yay horsie!!!

i'm not going to the game, sorry =\ i wasn't really planning to though. i'm going to my aunt's for labor day and we're heading up to canadia. [maybe i'll bring my camera] tell me the score though =]
