Sunday, August 31, 2008


So, I think my nerdness really showed today. Why?

-I completed most of my homework today
-I spent a lot of time on my history teachers forum
-I spent another lot of my time on youtube
-I watched this video
-I found the vidoe about extreamly funny
-I watched the video about 7 times

Yep yep!

Oh! News!!

Areil and Roy broke up!! Roy broke up with Areil, and of course now she's quickly moved on to another guy. Josh, ya know, the one that asked Devvy chan out!

Ryan says he got his last girlfriend pregnate.

Anyways, we all knew it would never last.

I was talking to my mom about Areil and how she'd never get a guy anyways because she's absanence and my mom went 'and you're not?'

Heh heh, whoops.

No, it's all good. I told her how I'm sure there is a chance that I'll have sex before marrage, but I'm not gonna be a slut and sleep around. I believe in test driving a car before you buy it.

Ummmm....that's about it.

JJ's friend came over for burgers and the neighbors were shooting off fireworks.


1 comment:

Devlyn said...

... not sure whether i should be this much happier after saying no to him after finding out this little fact lol.

finding it kinda funny that after he asked me out he was going to ask Erin and now Arial out, especially since he saw me hang out with them often that year. Not sure if thats for a reason or if he actually likes them. I hope he actually liked them ^-^

u no nerd lol, im more of a nerd then u, we all know that =P

and lol to wat u slipped up on saying lol.