Sunday, August 17, 2008

I Can See!!

So better mood today.

Slept in till 11:30, got up, at lunch, read more of my Raisin In The Sun book, and then went back upstairs around 1 to sleep some more. At 2:00 we went to the mall to Eyemasters to get new glasses and our eyes checked and stuff. I got a pair of normal glasses, and a pair of transitions. But guess what I also got.


Whoop whoop!

Man, I was trying to put the left one in and I asked the woman if it was backwards and she was like "No." and then I finally got it in, but it kept bothering me and when I asked her about it she looked in my eye and said "Oh, well it's backwards honey!"


Went to Fridays while they did the lenses and stuff, then when we finally got our glasses we were gonna go shopping but the stores were closing! That's what we get for going to the mall on a Sunday.

Went to Toys r Us cuz we each had little gift cards. Got Melvin a cool Ipod cover and it lights up!! I love it!!

Got home, walked the dog, dad liked how I got contacts.

Now I'm here.

Gotta take a shower soon, golf all week tomorrow.


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