Saturday, July 19, 2008

School sucks PERIOD.

I am so not looking forward to school right now. Here's why:

1. It starts and 7:20 in the morning.

-Which is stupid because now I have to get up around 5:30, and the people who already had to do that now need to get up around 4:30 (like devlyn). Which is friggin ridiculous.

2. Homework

-Although they've already given it to us already because they think that for the kids who have a job, a sport, and a life need to waste their time on summer reading with the most stupidest questions that even a straight A+, lawyer, pretty much English major, high IQ MOM needs to scratch her head and think hard about.

3. Stress

-I won't be working, but I'll have homework, golf, more golf, and less sleep. Also, as we all know (at least I think we do...?) that for me stress seems to equal depression, and depression equals...well lets not get into that again.

4. Richie Miller

-Need I say more?

5. Nordonia

-Let's face it, we kinda suck. I mean we can't even get support to get a better football/soccer/whatever the hell else they use it field and bleachers. Which, those bleachers, they were old when my UNCLE went there, and he's 43 now I think. Also, most of the kids are sluts and or druggies, and we get into HOW MANY school fights a day where we need a cop to prowl around our parking lot?

I think that's it....


It was hot today. Worked, well...attempted to work, on the summer reading questions for To Kill A Mocking Bird. Sadly, even thought the book and the movie are similar, you need to read the book. So, while my dad, his buddy Mr. Grason, and I went golfing and stuff my mom decided to read it. Heh...I find that kinda funny. Anyways, she'll be a biiiiig help now. Big thanks to mommy.


Hmmmmm....haven't really talked to Zak in like, maybe 2-3 days. I should call him...but it's late, I'll call him tomorrow I guess. =/ Sorry Zak!

Worked a wee bit on my book...need to get my ass in gear for that (as I've said how many times before? ...heh...).

Dev, Rayy, and Ellie all say they're going to be interior designers when they grow up and stuff. I dunno what the hell I wanna be, besides a writer, so I guess I'm going to be the 'go where the wind takes me' kinda girl. =p


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