Monday, July 14, 2008

Bitch Please

John was off work today, and of course it was a busy Monday in the warehouse. I guess luck came with the nice weather so it wasn't as hot as hell in there. Go Mama Joe's pizza, which is really good. I only ate 1 slice though.

I've noticed that I haven't been eating a lot lately. I'll eat a Chewy Bar for breakfast, if I eat that at all, and then a little lunch- something up to a small slice of pizza's worth- then like, no dinner. I forced half a steak down but that was it. I only weigh 90, and I need to put the pony ties up further on my arm because my wrists have gotten thinner... I mean, I WANT to eat, but I get too full too quickly. That's not anorexia is it? Meh I'll Google it later I guess.

So anyways I had to go to Areils burday party which was really her family and then me. Really the only family that came was her cousins, which it the main reason for the blog title. Mkays, so there was little Sarah (7), the Bitch (whos real name begins with an M but I don't bother to remember and is 14), and another guy who's going into our HS as freshman and who's name I never caught.

So we go outside in the backyard to hit, and play softball (mind you I'm wearing a skirt) and I haven't played in 3 years so I wasn't all that eager to join in.

areil: come on ash plaaaaaay
me: i dunno, i haven't played in awhile
bitch: heh, I bet you suck more than Sarah

So I took areils glove and played 2nd. Lemme tell you, this bitch was on a team, she couldn't hit worth shit. And every time her cute little sister just wanted her to throw the ball so she could catch it she'd never do it. Then it was my turn to bat and she moved up closer (which for those you you who don't play is an insult) and I told her she better back up I might hit her, and she said I probably would miss anyways, so I said like you? She got red in the face, areil pitched the ball, I hit her in the stomach, yelled SCORE, and then ran around the bases. Then (now remember she's FOURTEEN) she sat on the ground and yelled to her daddy. Daddy said to toughen up, and she got even more pissed.

Points for me.

Then she was a total bitch the rest of the time. She called to her daddy some more because I picked up her baseball bat to move it, and called everyone names and whipped a ball at my head 5 times. I caught all of them, but if it weren't for her yelling "think fast!" I would have been in the ER. Gosh and the way she talked too....very bitchy.

I survived though I guess. Got golf tomorrow. I'm kinda tired but as you all know I'm gonna stay up late anyways.


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