Monday, July 7, 2008


It's really late right now, almost midnight. I'm laying in my bed with my laptop next to me listening to Melvin and cuddling in Zak's jacket. It's so big, I love it.

I'm feeling pretty good right now, calmed, humble, at peace. I haven't felt like this in awhile, it feels really nice. I miss this feeling, it won't last long that's for sure.

Today was a slow day at work. I spent most of my time up in the offices organizing papers because I didn't want to sort parts in the warehouse and go crazy. My aunt was back, she's sad, really sad, but she doesn't show it. I can see it in her eyes though. It doesn't help that a lot of people keep asking her about her brother. But, life must go on- as much as you want it to stop.

Larry noticed my Death Note bag and pointed at the skull and jokingly asked if I had a hidden dark side to me. I replied "Hi, I'm Ashley. My favorite colors are red and black. I'm into Vampires, Werewolf's, Reapers, and like long walks through grave yards."

I wonder if he knew I was being serious.

Got home from work and went upstairs and spent the rest of the day locked away in my bedroom. Ryan IMed me saying that he wanted to punch Zak in the face and stuff. Ya see, in the car ride on the way home from Dev's party, the radio antenna broke and Zak was 'probing' Ryan when the car shook and it went into his ear. It was bleeding a little and of course it hurt.

Well Ryan said that it hurt to lay on it, hear anything above a whisper, that he couldn't go swimming and that he thought it was infected. He also said he had poison ivy.

Zak said he had some too. I wonder where they both got it, it had to be at Dev's party, but wouldn't we have all gotten it too?

Anyways, Ryan said that if he went to the doc's that Zak was going to pay for the visit, which is more reasonable that punching him in the face, and also said that he thinks he punctured his ear drum and stuff. Zak called my celly a few minutes later and I told him this and he said that something like that had happened to him when he was younger and that he just used ear drops.

I IMed Ryan this and he said that the ear drops wouldn't help because they would go down his ear and to his throat and that if I knew ANYTHING about ear drums I wouldn't need to tell him such a stupid idea.

Well one, read the above of what he said (your throat...?) two, Zak told me if his ear drum was punctured that he wouldn't be able to hear anything (which sounds logical) three, Zak's mom is a nurse (so I'm sure the ear drops might work), and four, Ryan didn't need to basically call me a moron when I was only trying to save him a visit to the docs, his hearing, Zak money, and apologized on Zak's behalf and wished his hear would get better numerous times.

I was planning on asking for an apology, but he'll most likely just come up with some messed up excuse making it seem like it's not his fault, and that I'm wrong and he's right and that I should be the one apologizing for suggesting such a stupid and childish idea. Wow does this sure in hell sound familiar. Could it possibly be what he's doing with Rayy?? Zonkies.

Zak said that he would call Ryan tomorrow or something and stuff. Hopefully nothing really bad happened to his ear.

Talked to Erin for the first time in AGES! We talked about baseball and stuff and then I watched Death Note 3 L Change The World. It's really just what happened during the 23 days once he put his name in the death note. It was boring at first, but it got pretty interesting after the first quarter. The ending was nice, sad, and happy. That's a damn good ending if you ask me.

Zak called again but I was too tired so I said good night after about 10 minutes. I shut my eyes for about five minutes and now I'm awake. I feel kinda guilty now...sorry Zak!

Birthday coming up. Zak said he's taking me to a movie. We're going on the 11th though because on the 12th I'm doing stuff with family. Going to Geagua Lake water park Friday too, Devvy Chan my dad says I can take you. You must come! If it's dad's weekend tell him you're being active! =p

I forgot to put in my blog yesterday that while biking I saw Andy and his family! I didn't think my dad wanted to stop, so I yelled his name and waved but he didn't hear me.

Well that's pretty much it I guess. I should try and get to sleep, I've got golf tomorrow. My game hasn't been that thrilling either. Well, at least that's what I think, my dad says that I've been doing good. *shrugs*

I think I got this shift key thing down now.


1 comment:

rachel said...

ryan's acting like a jerk. even if i was still friends with him, i would agree with that. if i knew that ear drops wouldn't works at least i would of said "sure, i'll keep that in mind"

i understand that your nose and throat are connescted... but how does something that goes in your ear go into your throat...? whatever, i'm not a doctor.

also, evevn though you probably use a spell checker, you're typing is amazing, like in terms of types and capitals, ect. i'm no good at those =p

hopefully you got some sleep

also, mind giving me the link for the last deathnote movie? i won't be onmline a lot, so blog comment/ in your blog? =p pleaser adn thank yous.

love you ashee chan *hugs*