Sunday, September 21, 2008

Holy Crap A Giant Purple Mutant Elephant!


But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's go back.

I was planing on waking up at 10:30 yesterday. Well, when I glanced at the clock it looked like it said really said 1:30. I thought my dad died, no joke.

Got up, and cut the lawn in my PJ's, because I'm cool like that.

Shower, and then put on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt and came on here for awhile before heading out to pick up Devvy Chan. She was rushing to get ready, but she looked nice!

Missed Sami's house, but we found it again, we recognized it from the door. Rayy and I agreed that she can't change it because that's the only reason we know it's her house. =p

We were the 1st one's at Sami's. She was dressed up too, and I really loved her hair!

Rayy came next with the Apple Bee's. It smelled yummy.

Peaches and Ryan came next. Peaches had Ryan wear a pink tie to match her dress, and Ryan's hair was also straightened and had a ton of hair spray in it. I told him I was concerned. =p

We ate, then Rayy and I got dressed and Peaches curled Rayy's hair for an hour. She looked nice when it was done. =)

Picture time in Sami's backyard! We stood by her pond and took a group shot then single ones. Sami's dad drove Rayy, Devvy Chan, and me to the dance. He's really nice, we all laughed a lot on the way there.

Ariel found us- sadly, but I delt. Said hellos to her grandma.

Finally the dance started and it was freezing in the gym. I went with Devvy Chan to get a drink then took Ryan to show him where the pixi sticks were. He grabbed like, half the bowl. XD

After our mass sugar consumption it was time to daaaance!

I danced with everyone including Gerber, and Stash. Heh, I slow danced with Gerber. =)

Oh Oh! Remember Mushroom head from my PE class last year?! He was there, and him and a midget kid named Alex were bustin out some moves! I grinded with the midget! XD

We made grinding lines too, it was hilarious. And some guy was lifted up in the air! (like they do at Jewish wedding kinda =p)

Ryan was pimpin. He had Peaches, Rayy, Sami, Devvy Chan, Athena, and me all grind up on him a few times. It was funny. I'm sure he enjoyed the dance. =p

Heh...we all were glittery we looked like we fucked pixies!

Saw Kevin at the dance, he cleans up nice. Zak's siter came but not Zak. It would have been nice to seem him there I guess, but he didn't wanna go so... *shrugs*

After being crazy and dancing from 7:30-10:30 my dad came and picked Devvy Chan and me up. Got home, took a shower, made some Cup-A-Soup, then snacked on some BBQ chips and watched part of the movie Guess Who on TV.

Oh, when I get pic from homecoming I'll post them here.

Now I'm up and it's...


=) Lets crank out the jams.


1 comment:

Jackie said...

Heh. Homecoming was a blast. And interesting. Jason sure looked like he was having a good time.
