Thursday, September 18, 2008

Nordonia Player Holds Golf Team Hostage

Mkays, lemme tell you about yesterday.

So I was on the bus, and I needed to get to the school by 7. Well, it's 7 on the dot and we're in traffic next to the commons and my bus driver gets on the PA thing and says "Ummmm, they only have one lane ahead, so we're probably gonna be stuck her another 10-15 minutes."


I got there at 7:13, coach wasn't there yet anyways. Typical.

Was all excited. We went to hit golf balls at the range first and I was hitting great, so straight and high and everything! Well, then we get to the course and he calls Ashley O. and me over. He starts talking about our scores, and how they're almost the same, but I'm getting better and Ashley is getting worse. Well, then he goes, but I'm gonna give Ashley one last chance to play, so you're gonna be the one to sit out okay?

Okay, so let me tell you this:

A. I hit the straightest on the team
B. On the whole ride to the course he was saying how YOU NEED TO HIT THE BALL WITH WHATEVER CLUB YOU HIT STRAIGHT CONSISTENTLY, no matter how far the ball goes
C. Ashley O. hits all over the place

But I guess he forgot about that.

So I sat on my ass with the coach for how many hours. And holy crap Ashley O was driving the coach up a friggin wall. On one of the holes, she even laid down on the t-box and like, took a nap!! He was gonna go crazy I swear. And the whole time yesterday, AND today she was like "oh, I fucking hate golf, i'm never gonna come back next year, blah blah blah blah"



Today was dunker day! I was the first to purchase the Dunkers of 08-09!! =D

Then I did my physics lab, and I finished the quizzes I missed.

Golf today was...interesting. We were only allowed to play with four golf clubs (stupid idea by coach) but anyways that's not even the half of it. I hit my drive on the first hole and I must have swung weird cuz my wrist started hurting. Well, during the 2nd hole when I swung it would crack and really hurt. So on the 4th hole I was talking to my assistant coach and she said that I shouldn't really play because if I do it might get even worse. So she took me outta the game and we iced it down.

Now, here's where the blog title comes in.


So, I had to get the rest of my school stuff from my assistance coaches car, cuz we put it all in there so people wouldn't steal it. So I ask her for the keys to her car, and I got my stuff and locked the car. But to carry all of it I had to put the keys in my pocket. So I put my clubs I had to take outta my bag in my golf bag, throw my book bag in and golf stuff in the car, and then go back to the club house.

I'm attacked by people because my bad wrist had a HUGE bag of ice on it. Well, after many hugs, and pizza (because rever is so awesome to bring it) I get in the car, and mom starts to drive home while I explain my wrist. Well, we're not even half way home when I get a call from my (my favorite person on the golf team, ya know, Mya Williams??) and she goes: you have the coaches keys??

I forgot the key's in my pocket!!!


I was so embarrassed/laughing my ass off. My mom could hardly drive she was laughing so hard.

In the end, she got the keys back. =p

Got home, dad was worried about my wrist cuz I'm supposed to be playing golf tomorrow with grandpa. At the moment it's sore and hurts when I move it, but I hope it's gonna be okay. I'm wearing one of my mom's brace thinggys right now.

Well, that's it for the night. Heh heh.


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